In my experience, my health has significantly improved with the right support of supplements.
When starting this journey, I extensively read both side of the arguments: While some advocate for supplements as panaceas, others dismiss them as ineffective as they are not absorbed by the body and we should try and get all our nutrition from food. Through my experiences, I've learned that neither extreme is entirely accurate.
We cannot just pop some pills and expect to feel like 18, unless you are . The truth, as I've found, is a nuanced blend of lifestyle, supplementation, and, if necessary, medication. Supplements alone aren't magical cures, but they can complement a healthy lifestyle, especially when modern diets and stressors leave gaps in our nutritional needs.
Over the past three years, my husband and I have adopted a regimen of cycling different supplements (three months on, one month off). This systematic approach has noticeably enhanced our well-being, making us feel more energetic, focused, sharper and stronger.

A Structured Approach to Health

I recommend a phased strategy:
Lifestyle Interventions: The first and most critical step involves adopting healthier lifestyle choices.
Supplements: Only after optimizing lifestyle should one consider supplements to address specific needs.
Medication: This should be a last resort, used only when necessary and under medical guidance.

How do I decide what to take?

Step 1: Annual Health Checkups

Starting at 31, I began undergoing comprehensive annual health checkups, available at most large hospitals or through platforms like 1mg or PharmEasy (for approx. INR 5-7k). These checkups have been instrumental in guiding my preventive health strategies.
For instance:
If my blood glucose is high consistently, I understand that I need more exercise, more protein in my diet and have to reduce carbs. I might start wearing a
(Continuous Glucose monitor) for a while. I have used Ultrahuman CGM patches.
If Hba1c, 3 month avg. blood sugar indicator is elevated, I am either pre-diabetic or possibly a future diabetic person. A person can be pre-diabetic for 10 years before diabetes sets in, It’s hard to reverse it later. I need to reduce weight, manage my glucose metabolism, eat protein, or supplement with
If my thyroid is off balance, I get to know that I need to do (also known as mother of yoga poses) and try to manage my stress. I may also start supplementing with Ashwagandha for a while.
If I have high CRP(C-Reactive protein) values, it means my mode, which further could indicate an infection(bacterial or viral. Chronic inflammation has been linked to diseases like and So I start having a good look at what I am eating. I eat more greens, berries, have anti-inflammatory foods like and supplements such as EECG.

Step 2: Seeking Reliable Information

My primary source is the Huberman Lab podcast by . A renowned neuroscientist at Stanford University. His evidence-based approach provides a solid foundation for my research. I also follow experts like , ,
With over 5 Million followers, Dr. Huberman be the biggest science based podcasters in the world. His advice is always backed with peer reviewed papers. For the more nerdy ones, he goes into mechanics of every topic and makes you feel like you are attending his lectures at Stanford in person.

Step 3: Independent Research

After gathering initial information, I delve deeper, examining the impact, interactions, and safety profiles of potential supplements. I have studied biochemistry for 4 years and my background and interest helps here. I love to read scientific papers on this topic.
This process involves careful consideration over days or weeks before I decide If it’s safe enough to be added to the protocol

Step 4: Choosing Quality Manufacturers

Given the unregulated nature of the supplement industry in India, I prioritize safety certifications and reputation when selecting manufacturers. I order a small batch only when I am confident.

Step 5: Cycling Supplements

I adopt a cyclical approach, taking supplements for three months followed by a two to three-month break. It’s a personal choice, this prevents dependency and potential over accumulation in the body.

What do I take and why?

Here is my current supplement protocol and it keeps changing depending on my body’s requirements.
Vitamin D3
Importance : It is fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus. The deficiency makes you feel tired and fatigued. Vitamin D also appears to play a role in insulin production and immune function
Dosage : 2,000 IU/day. If you are deficient, 60,000IU/week for 6 weeks after food
Source : Available over the counter and online in all major platforms. For .
Vitamin B
Importance :
Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA. It is also a key player in the function and development of brain and nerve cells. If you are constantly feeling tired and fatigued, getting this checked along with Vitamin D3 is really helpful.
If you are a vegetarian, you may be prone to this deficiency.
Taking a B complex supplement may help increase energy levels, reduce stress, boost mood, and reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression
Dosage : 2.4 mcg/day for 3 months after food
Source : Available over the counter and online in all major platforms
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA)
Importance :
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that are essential for the body and must be obtained from the diet or supplements because the body cannot produce them on its own. They have two components - EPA &DHA. Foods rich in fish and see food can provide optimal level of Omega 3’s need for healthy brain function.
They play a crucial role in various aspects of health, including cognitive function, mood regulation, cardiovascular health, and inflammation management. They are essential for brain health and development, as DHA is a major component of brain tissue.
Can cause massive reduction in Reduce depression.
Dosage : 2g/day of which 1g should be EPA.
Source : Finding one with the above recommended dosage is hard. I used
and take 2x at night.
Importance :
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a substance that helps convert food into energy. CoQ10 is found in almost every cell in the body, and it is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death
It could improve fertility, reduce headaches, protect lungs and improve heart health
Dosage : . It is fat soluble, so recommended to take along with food
Source : I use or
Folic Acid [ Women Only ]
Importance :
It’s a B vitamin that is essential for making new cells in the body. This is one of the most essential supplement for pregnant women. Having sufficient levels of these can prevent major birth defects in baby’s brain or spine.
It is recommended that if someone is planning to get pregnant, they should start taking folic acid for at least 3 months in advance.
Dosage : 5mg/day
Source : Any OTC medicine store will stock these
Importance :
This is recommended for maintaining general level of nutrient sufficiency in the body. It helps maintain overall energy, strengthens immunity and makes us generally feel better.
Dosage : 1 capsule/day (one that has 100% of Daily recommended allowance)
Source : Available over the counter and online in all major platforms
This is one of the most powerful and well researched herb for stress management. It is from a class of herb known as known as an Adaptogen. Adaptogens help our bodies manage stress and restore balance after a stressful situation. Experts believe that adaptogens interact with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which initiates your body’s stress response and plays a big role in keeping your body in balance.
Besides this, it helps
Boosts immune system
Decreases stress and calm your body
Enhance your memory and cognition
Improve sleep patterns
Helps to manage weight
Helps to maintain normal testosterone levels in males
Increase fertility
Improve heart health
Helps to manage weight
Promote thyroid health
Dosage : 500-600mg /day
Source : Any good ayurvedic brand like Himalaya and Organic India

Curcumin and EECG
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