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About Brand
Name of your brand
Zoh Probiotics & Cultures to love . Cultures to love to zoh transfer due to trademark etc issues.
What is the goal of your engagement with us? Do you want to generate more leads? Book more appointments? Drive registrations? To make product sales?
Need more credibilty, as we do good products. We should get the credit we deserve. More reach more audience. communicate our best parts to people. Multiple countries export. Sale is the byproduct of this. TO BE KNOWN AS BEST AS WE HAVE THE QUALITY.
Experience with previous agency
Link to Brand Story - About page
Links to FAQ about the product you’re promoting
Each product page has one
Do you have heatmaps of the website?
To know where the customer spend most of their time on the webpage
NO. Digital arm of our brand is not that great. need to amp up digital part.
Story behind the name
started to culturestolove, 2 verticals: want to use fermented but expensive, DIY Part is culture to love. Balance of good and bad bacteria easiest way to add good bacteria in to your body is

used to work with olympic athlete, research on how probiootic can help increase performace in sports. Almost zero products were available in 2016, stareted with cultures to love. Started with kafir, then yoghurt, then kumbucha kits to make at home. So that everyone has access to make their own kumbucha at your home. All of this was somewhere in feb 2018.

Started later to launch new & our own flavours in kumbucha. During covid we saw a huge surge on the fermented industry. due to immunity etc. Other brands started to provide similar products both for kumbucha & culture.

Compi- allasposh flavours () - copy pasted everything from us (culturestolove).
gut basket - Openly challanged us & used tactics to give us bad reviews. Morally Ethically bankrupt company. Until then we were amazon’s choice.
peepal farm - NGO shelter suddenly started to sell fermented products in PLASTIC, which is absoulty horrendous. Scoby, smbiotic culture of bacteria & yeast, they were selling at 499, whilst we were selling at higher end.
Natural kefir - Google ranking & other brands are google leaders.

we had best reviews, amazon choice for kumbucha etc. Before these brand joined the market. peepal farm had bit faith so they got a lot of traction to sell their products. Their scoby is unhygenic and horrible.
Anti-biotic resistance part is every small problems, we are asked to take anti-biotic is prescribed. Over the period of time they kill gut health & good bacteria. Lot if auto-immune disorder, skin problems, gut related issues like crones were growing exponentially. When u search solutions for these issues, many google pages would suggest kafir, turmeric etc. As awarness increased many compi-company statered coming in.

Coming to kumbucha, most of the kumbucha brands present have previously or atlest once bought their scoby, (cultures) from us. Quality of kumbucha is ambigious as people don’t know about the gauge or scale on which how to judge which is better. The first thing is that it should be unpatsurized i.e raw, donlt filter as all the enzymes will be lost. Basic parameters for good kumbucha. Beer is fermented in closed vessel, kumbucha is completely opposite, as it needs oxygen to start ferment open in the air - wild air fermentation. The problem is that it captures everything around in the wild air, if u don’t have proper air your kumbucha is bad. AIR-CONTROLLED BREWING- only company doing it & it is intergal part of kumbucha.
Towards the end of covidd we launched temeph, superior version of tofu. similar to panner, but with soya milk. Tempeh on the other end, soya beans + culture = retains protiens, & all other vital nutrients. As there is no filter. Got a lot of inquires on instagram (especially in mumbai). tempeh has a nutty flavour bascially an acquired flavour. off-putting to a lot of people. Almost as much as protein as panner. 24g per 100 in panner protein & tempeh has 22g in 100 minus the saturated fats.
Few months later, hellotempeh () with a lot of money started with a lot of branding & burning money on awarness. They selling at loss to gain traction & awarness. head of design - ajoy advani his junior had completed our branding. Fake PR campaign that we came after hellotempayy.
Even they had a stall & huge PR in indonesia, but still they have made sure that temeph only buys from us. Temeh is ONLY SOLD IN MUMBAI.

We have good goodwill, we have insane retention. (premium hotels buys from us - ex. Oberoi, ). Significant quality difference, I want premium clientele as I cannot compromise my quality. Tempeh sales have dropped down after hellptempayy because of their huge PR & branding. bumbucha (mumbai company) had to leave nature’s basket after we had joined nature’ basket in one year. Who know quality & stick with us.

Koji- First in india. Koji is needed to male soya sauce. Koji is Japanese ferment, umami flavour combining flavours of salt, sour, spice etc. in a perfect ratio. Flavour of hing is umami. Umami enhances every flavour. High -end chef always find umami- quest for perfect flavour. Origin of umami is from Koji. ex- marinate chicken in koji & koji will enhance the best of flavour in the product. Nobody in India knew about. Creating awarness about it. It has huge potential in the country. TOO SOON FOR KOJI IN INDIA. best of time is years ahead. 400 or 500 doing koji based fermentation. Brown koji boy. Even high end chef do not know how to use it. No need for extra spice, as koji will bring best taste. Kobo fermentry (insta name). Even salt is not needed for some. Salt with umami is koji. New dressing out of Koji with extra virgin olive oil. (WE ARE GOING TO LAUNCH THIS. Waiting for machines to launch).

amazake- u take koji, fresh cooked rice & water. Mix it and let it ferment. release strach from rice. if u start using it as sugar as lot swetter than sugar. Easy to consume. WE ARE GOING TO LAUNCH THIS PRODUCT. Flavoured amazake is present in everywhere.

No other brand that does the entire specturm of fermentation verticals. Many other mentioned company do not do all the things.
State of the art lab
husband (IIT) made custom machinery to make products.
sister-in-law elec engineer
understanding the product, complete research based approach not willy-nillly.
Experts in probiotics.
We make cultures in house. Unlike any other brands.
premium taste & benefits. You will want to have the taste part again and again, not just benefits.
Variety of flavours.
Fermentaion company through & through
We do ferments gold benchmark

Why did you start this company in the first place?
(“I got laid off” is just as valid as “To share my passion with the world.” Seriously!)
The Gap in the market

What is missing in the market?
What do you think this should be there in the market?
Something your competitor is not well at doing?

Yakut- has only one strain of bacteria, lab manufacterd bacteria. NWe are doing natural product.
What have you / your company done, seen, or thought that makes you better than your competitors at delivering?
Do you have any kind of credibility about your brand?
Ex: Plastic-free, Earth-friendly- Any unique USPs, Any certifications, Past experience, Awards or achievements?
What do you dislike about your industry?
What’s wrong with the way your industry currently operates that you would love to fix?
Something that you don’t like about the way the industry has been running?
Ex: Maybe false claims or high pricing, unsustainability, marketing gimmicks, etc..

What are the trends and changes that affect your industry? What can you do to be on the cutting edge of those changes?
Detergents- Tide pods, liquid, powder
Skincare- Glass skin, Cloud skin
Winter- Don’t consume much. Lowest fermentation sell in winters.
Mention Min 3, Max 5 Facebook interests associated with your brand / products (eg wellness, yoga etc)
Vegan crowd, Yoga, wellness, looking for protein, Gym, Chef, hospitality, Culture is always d2c product.
Any unique selling point? How is our brand different?
Are you catering to a different market?
(Ex: accounting software for small biz owners or accounting software for startups?
ALL, who serve only plus size clothes.
a skincare brand especially for African-American skin type)

Is there any innovation you’re bringing to the industry?
(Ex: airbnb has a different way of solving the hotel reservation problem,
Clothing brands who take back your old clothes and offer discounts on new purchases,
Maggi Pichku made of plastic because the glass ketchup bottle falls and breaks)

Is there a Different production or creation process involved?
(Ex: Small batch productions/Made to order or large scale products? What is the advantage of it)
Every batch is tested for bad bacteria, air quality is controlled, all ingredients are premium. Organic ingredients asafar as possible, culture itself is, in-house lab, diverse bacteria range.

Are the product designs different or unique?
(Ex: Pringles coming in cans as even sized chips while normal chips are all different, way of packaging or even production process, design of the product or design of the packaging)

Does your brand have a different worldview
(Ex: brand values and beliefs - socially conscious, charitable, green etc)
(Kinder to planet, fair to employee,
Sourced ethically, FDA approved, ISA approved.)
Organic, some products are vegan, ALL WOMEN LED TEAM.

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