CalInnovate Toolkit
Plain language

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Plain language resources


This is a proof of concept. See for source of truth - 9/15/2023


, authored by the Office of Data and Innovation (ODI)
: California's plain language law

Style guides

These are the style guides ODI look at when we have questions about writing.
: ODI's default style guide
at - Federal
: a list of some words that make your content less clear, created by a UK government content team

How to’s


Content designers play a role in accessibility. Creating alt text for images is one of the biggest ways.
- Supercool
- Web Accessibility Initiative
- Harvard University
- W3C. This helps you decide if an image needs alt text

Content design

Plain language is part of the broader discipline of content design. These resources can help you improve your writing beyond using plain language.
- Shelter, aUK housing nonprofit

Inclusive language

While not a traditional part of plain language, inclusive language respects all readers.
: terms often found in IT with alternatives from the University of Washington
: Atlassian’s guide that offers alternatives to terms and phrases
: a resource that defines many terms. In some cases it offers guidance on choosing terms
: a tool to help you identify gendered and ableist language

Plain language

, maintained by the US federal government, is a great resource for how to implement plain language. Their site also includes of plain language in action.

Human-centered design


ODI's : detailed guidance on how to improve your content


by Sarah Winters

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