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Assignments and grades

Class participation (10%): We expect you to be engaged and contribute to class discussions and activities. The best part of the sports media program is that each of you brings unique strengths and contributions to the program, and we want you all to push each other (and us) by working together and building skills.
Homework (20%): Most of our homework assignments are reviews and practicing for the field assignment. Work must be completed by the deadline for credit. Homework assessments are graded on a scale of 0-2: 0 means you did not complete the assignment; 1 means you completed only part of it; 2 means you completed it fully. The quizzes are diagnostics for us to review what you’re getting out of the background work; the actual scores will not be reflected in your grade.
News/style/grammar quizzes (10%): We will have periodic discussions of grammar and AP style issues and will quiz you on them. Being able to follow the Associated Press style is a base-level requirement for virtually all jobs in sports media, as is accurate grammar and writing mechanics. Finally, most jobs require you to stay up to date on current developments, and ESPN is renowned for quizzing job applicants about the wide world of sports. You will have five quizzes that cover current news as well as grammar and style issues we will discuss in class. We recommend following the
, and the several times a week, if not daily, to stay up to date.
Portfolio (5%): You will create a professional website featuring your work to be used in job and internship applications. More information will be provided throughout the semester in the “Careers” classes.
Field assignments: (55%):
All field assignment material should be shared as Google Docs with your instructor via Slack DM.
Each element of the field assignment (pregame, in-game, post-game, follow-up, will be counted equally.)
Stats: 10%
Play-by-play: 10%
Gamer 1: 10%
Social media 10%
Running gamer 15%

Extra credit: Up to three points on your final grade can be achieved from the following sources:
Live-tweeting designated events. These will be discussed in class and will include the Title IX symposium on Feb. 2.
Participating in the college’s (each study completed counts as one point)
Participating in other scholarly research (must be discussed with the instructor first)
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