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Strategy Execution Framework

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The Strategy Execution Framework defines how a business creates and captures value. It shows the eight elements and five questions that need to be considered to effectively plan and execute strategy.

Strategy Execution Model.png

The Five Questions

Relevance - Has anything changed inside or outside the organization, so that we need to change our Business Priorities or Value Proposition?
Alignment – do we all agree with our Business Priorities and Value Proposition?
Results – are we getting the results we want?
Progress – are we making progress on our Initiatives? Are our Key Activities performing adequately?
Plan – what are we going to do next? (New Initiatives)

The Model

Internal Analysis

Mission - What is the problem the business solves?

What problem do we solve for our customers? Why do they care? Why do we care?

Vision - What does the future look like?


Values & Behaviors - How do we want to behave as an organization?

What values do we hold and what behaviors do we want to exhibit?

What does our organizational look like?

An analysis of your business including:
Business Estimate of Value
Leadership Team using Predictive Index
PSV Assessment

External Environment - Where do we compete?

Competitive financial benchmarking; projected industry outlook and growth rates; an analysis of the economic, technological, legal, and social factors that affect the industry; and a summary of the key factors for success in the industry.

Organizational Priorities - What do we want to accomplish?

We select from 20 organization priorities to drive organizational change.

Value Proposition - How do we win?

The Value Proposition answers the following questions:
What do we sell?
Who do we sell to?
How is it priced?
The 3 Whys (Need, Differentiation, Trust)

Business Capabilities - What capabilities do we need?

The proprietary Business Capabilities Matrix helps to determine the right metrics, activities, people and resources required.

Operational Scorecard - How do we know if we are winning?

The operation scorecard is reviewed regularly to ensure the business stays on track.

Key Activities & Processes - What do we do every day?

Strategy shouldn't be "in addition to" usual business activities; instead usual business activities should be determined by the strategy. Key Activities include management activities such as planning, problem solving, task management, and effective meetings (the Cycle of Planning and Execution).

Initiatives - How do we improve?

Strategic Initiatives are projects that increase the capability of the organization. Initiatives close the gaps identified in the planning process.

Results - How do we measure success?

Business Results

Financial (Revenue, Profit, Cash, Business Value)

Progress Results

Key Activity and Process Measures
Initiative and Priorities Measures
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