startup sales guide

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what do you know, kid?

Nothing special.

I’m serious. You can talk to the ‘best’ salesperson you know and they’ll tell you that they have so much more to work on. Even when you think you know everything - you learn something.
sales is a people game. you’re more likely to be better the more at bats you get. basically how many people you talk too. you’ll learn different approaches, questions to ask, positioning of whatever you’re selling, empathy, tone of voice, etc.
those are the things that make an amazing salesperson - not being the smoothest talker.
as for myself - i’d say I know just a tad. enough to be able to advise others and companies on how to sell, not to be the best salesperson ever.
here’s my stat sheet to build some sort of rapport with you - the reader.

Tony’s Stat Sheet

Setter by Thumbtack


@ Uber
Signed up 10,000 Uber Drivers and Activated 2500 Drivers in the Bay Area
Scaled uberoffline plus uberkiosk project (driver acquisiton + customer support) program to six cities

@ Ritual
Signed up and Activated over 175 restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area
Launched Two Cities : Oakland and San Jose (with 10 partners per launch)

@ Setter by Thumbtack
Closed over $350,000 revenue in first month

Closed 5 Partnerships yielding an increase of +$75,000 in revenue

@ hellocertified
Conducted market research and grew initial alpha test group
@ astreya
Built strategy that hired 50+ sales reps
Created sales team onboarding process and material
Saved company $250,000 by offshore hiring in Asia
I’m not amazing by any means but i’ve done sells at every stage and have proven succesful. even if they’re not words send from god. they may be something good for you to add to the toolkit.

Why would I even care?

Whatever you do is sales. Whether you’re networking, presenting, or interviewing - your objectives is to pitch a vision, bring people along, gather feedback, and close so people follow you.
My audience is either crypto degenerates, founders, web3 peeps, or people interested in all those things. So I thought it would make sense to break down how to get sales started in a small business or startup.
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