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Create a Framework to help you identify healthy accounts and users to approach

So this is the BANT framework. Generally this works very well for SaaS companies. It’s also mostly used in SaaS. Having founded in SaaS and Consumer, I can attest that it also works in the consumer space. The importance of having a qualification framework is important because it stops you from a) picking up a bad customer & b) wasting your time. If you want to use this, here are some tips, on what not to do:
Don't view budget as a blocker.
Map out who's involved.
Identify the importance of the problem.
Discover how quickly they want to move

Below I’ll link a newer version of a qualification framework that you can use during demos of your product or even product feedback interviews, the SPICE Framework:
Situation - what is your current position within the context of our conversation?
Pain - what’s the pain (people/money) this challenge/problem brings?
Impact - what are the consequences of not solving vs. solving this problem?
Critical Event - when are you hoping to have a partner identified?
More on BANT - Budget, Authority, Need and Timeline
What’s the ROI you’re hoping to see?
What was the last time you did something like this? How did that go and how was the process?
When did you identify [problem] or need for growth?
What steps have you already taken to address it?
What are your top priorities at the moment? Where does this fit on that list?
What happens if you don't address this?
What’s your goal for next quarter, & next six months ? Will you be able to meet that goal without some sort of change?
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