startup sales guide

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Start with a Buyer Persona….PLEASE

This is probably the most important piece of creating a product & attempting o find customers for it. Why? Well in order to do that - you have to understand who your customer is, why they would need your product, and how you fit into their life.
The purpose is to not only get a sale on your end but also help the customer make a helpful buy that is going tot help them live their life a tad bit easier. (yes I am totally serious)
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Above is an example of the personas that I created for hellocertified, one of my startups and also Setter (acq. by Thumbtack) which was one of the companies that I worked for. We built this out through market research of restauranteurs and how they went about dealing with meeting COVID-19 guidelines & highlighting safety to their customers. Setter was a marketplace that made it easy for you to connect with professionals to care for your home.
It’s pretty much a fill and personalize template that can be done after a thoughtful attempt into market research of that ‘customer’. You must also be flexible - it’s extremely possible that who was once your customer persona won’t be in time.
How do you figure it out? Well, I should mention, understanding you value proposition is incredibly important. The value proposition is the easiest way to position your business to highlight the value your customers will get from it. Here’s a simple framework you can borrow and try out:
Understand your value proposition, know your customer, and hit the ground running. It makes it easier to fit your product into your customers lives but also gives you the superpower of UNDERSTANDING your customer.
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