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Downloading Diffusion

Chrome Extension

We've officially been accepted to the Google Chrome Store.
Click on Download Extension
The extension is now in your extensions list and ready for you to use.
Don't forget to 'pin' diffusion to your extension manager
Click on the puzzle piece on the right hand of your chrom

Pinboard Creator Web App

Accces Code: Curation2021!
Enjoy making Diffusion boards!

Making Boards

Your chrome extension and web app are connected. Using our google chrome extension you’ll be able to save all content from the web.
a. Click (+ ) Board to make a new board
Give the board a title
b. Drag your content from above
Enter url
Enter Thoughts
Enter Category
Follow the next few steps to create net new content :
a. Click (+ ) Board to make a new board
Give the board a title
b Click (+) Content to make a Content card:
Enter url
Enter Thoughts
Enter Category

Your new content card should populate on the top of the screen → Drag your new content card to the board. Once your content card is in your board → Give each piece of content your opinion
* You’re limited to five pieces of content at this moment *
Click the (reverse) button to give an overall story of the board - it’s significance, how it was useful, and any key insights overall.


Click the ‘Upload’ Icon to share your Diffusion Board link with anybody!
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.