Sea peoples story mutation

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Historical critical approach by Thorwald Franke: this video convinced me fully that the story could not have been around 12.000 years old, and this proves why people back then had this belief but inaccurately assumed without the empirical proof of modern history and archaeology.
Credit David Miano:

In this video, an anthropologist-youtuber openmindedly assesses the hypothesis of a 12.000 year old Atlantis is the Richat structure, but concludes that this is unlikely. He does mention the Tichitt culture and speculates that a more recent origin could be an explanation:

I agree with almost everything this historian says in the video below, except for her claim that there are no man-made structures at the Richat, since there are many and , besides a plethora of which clearly indicate the presence of neolithic agro-pastoral settlement by humans at the Richat’s land rings, next to the concentric-ringed rivers.

against 10.000 belief RICHAT MENTIONED, but I argue that the Richat structure can still be Atlantis without being over 10.000 years old as a city.
oral transmission 9000 years impossible!
One justified reason for caution around the given date of 11.600 BP is that this creates the problem of transmission through time. In the case of this date, in order to reach the people of the earliest fishing settlement in Saïs from 7.000 BP, the story in all its detail would have needed to survive for 4.600 years.
bronze age collapse 1200-1150 BCE, Atlantis existed long before
19th-20th dynasty egypt during invasion
It wouldnt make sense if FIRST the Younger Dryans flood event happened 11.600 years ago, but AFTER that, the African Humid period started and the Sahara became wet and inhabited!!!
No ancient greeks or old maps mention ringed city, so has to be from the city itself
if ruins date from before the bronze age could still be atlantis because not all buildings have to be recent to the war
months so as to adjust them to the true lunar month of 29J days, is said to have been introduced at Athens by Solon (D.L. I. 57, Plu. Sol. 25), but it was already known to Hesiod (Op. 771, cf. Nilsson ERBGK 27) and is implied in the Homeric phrase (Od. 14. 162, 19. 306) ToJ iv 0eivovros
rrnv6s, To0 8'icrrapcvoio.

bronze age establish because mention bronze and chariots and writing

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