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Gaps in the theory / missing links

Evidence for river Richat to ocean during bronze age 1.200 BC? Senegal paleo-river? Noukchott basin? Arguin bay?
What details of city match and which dont?
Carbon dating artefacts and forts and human bones?
Connection Phoenicians or Sea people (Libu, Meshwesh, Temehu) to Mauritania? Mediated by Berber trade? Invention by Solon or confusion Egyptian priest?
How did 600 years become 9000 years? Lunar years? Exaggeration?
Earthquake? Flood? Lake Tritonis?
Large distance by land and sea for invasion?

Response to World of Antiquity’s counterarguments:
alleen griekse namen
niet direct aan plato verteld. fictive dialogue
poem, onafgemaakt, geleerd als kind
detailed notes
athena founded athens 9000 and sais 8000 before floods
athens best governed, gave to egypt
island larger asia and africa gibraltar atlantis poseidon
king atlas
empire egypt to italy
dont appeal to authority plato solon
laertius 700 jaar later
plato often uses myth (androgyne, er, phaeton, amazon, gyges)
6000 years too long for oral tradition (but what about flood myth?) PRIESTHOOD CAN PRESERVE KNOWLEDGE
3500-3200 bce first neolithic greeks
127 stadia fudged
africa not raised
north africa was never under water but always habitable with vegetarion, and if it was under water, the flood could not have caused that damage - counterargument: it was never under the ocean, only more humid with lakes and rivers, and later
fishing artefacts does not mean salt water but also just lakes
built upon already existing structure
there are no ruins - there are, though - age? carbon date - indie explorer
sphere stones with flat side no dating so doesnt mean that naval warfare
don’t mention dogon
dating bronze artefacrs?
euhemerism faacy take myths litera
troj doesnt prove atlantis but only corroborate claim that history’s could become legend
atlas doesnt have to be same person but same name is still a clue
not herodotus map
richat cirkels van de grond niet zichtbaar dus moet water geweest zijn, synbool
cannot see annular structure from the ground, wasnt known: dubious want misschien wisten berbers wel door terrein te verkennen
Atlantis sceptics just as guilty of spreading misinformation as pseudoarcheologists, hopefully this will trigger a renewed discussion between the two

10.000 exaggerated, cannot have been transmitted orally, and there was no writing
still stone age
egypt began 3000 bc
All the problems of a hypothesis that dates Atlantis to 10,000 BC also apply here, see above. This alone is a clear knock-out for this hypothesis.
The Richat structure does not match Plato's description, even though at first glance it has similarities with Plato's Atlantis. It is much larger and also has more rings than Plato's Atlantis. All claims that there is an exact match are sheer nonsense.
The rings of the Richat structure are closed all around. There is no channel from the outside to the inside, and there is no channel from the Richat structure to the sea. There is simply no correspondence here.
The Richat structure is 400 metres above sea level and 500 kilometres from the sea. So the ring structure could not have been a harbour. And that was also the case in 10,000 BC, as geology has clearly established. The only difference from today is that the Sahara was not a desert then.
There are clearly no traces of a city. There are no remains of walls. There are no roads. The only archaeological finds are arrowheads from the Stone Age or bronze rings from much later times.
The mention of the people of the "Atlantes" in Herodotus is not a reference to Plato's Atlantis, but refers to the people near the Atlas mountains, which in turn are named after the titan Atlas from Greek mythology, but not after king Atlas of Atlantis.
There is now a large and detailed discussion on the question of whether the Richat structure was Atlantis. We cannot possibly discuss all the arguments here. But our small list is already quite sufficient to establish that this hypothesis does not stand the slightest chance.
9000 does not match with earliest wheel, agriculture, horses domesticated, boats - COUNTER: MEGALITH TRACKS AND AZORES PYRAMIDS
no civilisation in Egypt or Greece 9000bc
impassible by ship Plato time: could not have been shallow water?
Kan ringen niet zien vanaf de grond

we must ask ourselves whether it is more likely that all of these very specific facts match the exact details provided by Plato all by one giant coincidence, or alternatively conclude that it is most probable that the Richat structure was indeed the site of Plato’s famous lost city

Summarise all key points of the argument constructions as a recap

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