Atlantis architecture vs Richat ruins

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Tumuli - Richat vs Tichitt

The blue pointers mark individual burial mounds (around 2500 in total!), purple ones mark a rare type of tumulus which is a dot with a concentric ring around it, and the green pointers mark the agro-pastoral fortresses (32 in total!).
The tumuli are concentrated mostly around the outer rings of the Richat structure and are very scarce in the inner rings, where instead the fortresses are more abundant. Potential future archaeological research at these tumuli might uncover human bones which could be more precisely dated than the piles of rocks which constitute the ruins.
The tumuli (also known as bazina) are of either a simple round type, or a circular type or a point with concentric circle. When viewing all of these markers within the larger picture of the Richat structure, it becomes obvious that all the artificial structures are clustered on the elevated concentric land rings, either right in the middle or along the slope, while none are placed within the intermittent valleys.

These valleys rather demonstrate fluvatile erosion patterns which could have resulted from rainfall precipitation and groundwater accumulating here during the Noakhchottian. They also often feature vegetation which lives off groundwater, some salt deposits, and sometimes even fossil shells. If water (periodically) flowed here, it would explain why no monuments where built there. From various remote sensed geographical data from the Adrar region it seems that this water might have flowed out of the Richat structure, along the Ouadane oasis, which might have been further connected to river systems around the Dhar Tichitt area, perhaps connecting to the Senegal river or a paleoriver basin near Nouakhchott or the Arguin bay, or a combination of the above.

It should be noted that the more irregular and simple types of fortresses are located around the outer edge of the Richat structure, while the more architecturally sophisticated designs are restricted to the innermost two rings. Furthermore, the largest concentrations of simple tumuli fields are located around the outer edges, while these are incrementally more sparse in the inner two rings, which could hint at social stratification, although physical excavations should confirm or deny this.

And round about [the large land-ring], on this side and on that, were barracks for the greater part of the spearmen; but the guard-house of the more trusty (117d) of them was posted in the smaller land-ring, which was nearer the acropolis; while those who were the most trustworthy of all had dwellings granted to them within the acropolis round about the persons of the kings. And the shipyards were full of triremes and all the tackling that belongs to triremes, and they were all amply equipped. (Critias 117c-d)


An example of a field featuring all three types of tumuli on the outer mound of the Richat structure:

An example of tumuli lined up along hilltops next to dry riverbeds:

A field of tumuli placed in the middle of the middle land ring, in the direct vicinity of an advanced fortress (bottom right corner):

In comparison, these are the tumuli found on sattelite images in the Tichitt region:

Grave monument documented at the Richat structure near a fortress by Atlantis Together:

Tumuli found at the Richat by David Stig Hansen:

Compare with more southern Tichitt culture stone monument ():



Local archaeology related to surveying before mining operations are carried out
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