Comparison Plato's Atlantis - Richat

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Atlantis architecture vs Richat ruins

Plato’ Atlantis buildings:
In the following sections, I will go through the different categories of material artefacts which were mentioned by the account, and demonstrate concrete, physical evidence of such artefacts having been found in and around the Richat structure. Up first are the ruins of many large buildings. Plato’s account specifically mentioned the presence of the following:
Towers and gates [around the entire city] (Critias 116a)
Mound of stone [around the entire city] (Critias 116a)
Numerous houses [on the surrounding circular mound] (Critias 117e)
Some buildings they framed of one simple colour, in others they wove a pattern of many colours by blending the stones for the sake of ornament (Critias 116b)
Barracks [on the large land ring] (Critias 117c)
Guard-house [on the small land ring] (Critias 117c)
They built the [royal] palace in the habitation of the god and of their ancestors, which they continued to ornament in successive generations, every king surpassing the one who went before him to the utmost of his power, (115d) until they made the building a marvel to behold for size and for beauty. (Critias 115c-d)

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