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On this page, you will evaluate your current skillset against the most important skills needed for each vision.
For each Big Rock Skill you’ve identified for your vision statements: Stack rank the importance of the Skill from 1-5 (1 = Most important/critical and 5= Least important/critical) For homework - thinking about each CVS separately, stack-rank the importance of each Big Rock skill. You can drag up and down below. The highest ranked skill for a particular vision will be #1, the lowest ranked skill will depend on how many skills you have listed. Repeat for each vision as the stack-ranking should vary. For each Big Rock Skill you’ve identified for your vision statements: Rate your current abilities in each skill, on a 5-point scale (1 = Low Ability and 5 = High Ability) For homework - Again thinking about each vision separately, rate your current ability level for each skill in the context of that vision. Note: If a skill is not relevant for a particular vision, it should be ranked lower in importance, for example, 8 out of 8, and if you have no capability at all in a skill area, give yourself a score of zero circles.
☝️ NOTE: Your Ability Score should vary in different visions. The Ability Score represents not only your current knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also those things in the context of a particular vision. For example, perhaps if one of your visions “Lead all Sales for Coca Cola” and another one is “Lead Sales for a 40 person startup” your abilities will likely be stronger in the context of the latter than the former.
← How to stack rank skills 1. Rank each skill below by importance for this particular vision. To do this, simply hover to the left of the table (until your cursor changes into a ‘hand’). 2. Drag the ‘Big Rock Skill’ up or down the list until all the skills have been ranked—with the most critical skills at the top. Big Rock Skills. ← How to rate your Abilities Take an honest look at your competency-level for each skill and rate your Ability from 1-5, with ‘5’ being the ‘High Ability’. Remember, you abilities are context-dependent, so your ability scores will vary underneath each vision.
Step 5: Prioritize skills by importance & assess your current abilities
This is the final step before we discuss your Career Action Plan. The goal of this exercise is to identify the most critical Skills and rate your Abilities against each of them. Employee: For each Vision Statement, prioritize skills by level of importance (by moving them to the top of each list), then rate your current ability level for each.
VISION 1: CMO of midsize tech company
VISION 2: CMO for travel/leisure company
When you are finished stack ranking and rating your ability for each skills given each vision, you are ready to review your Focus Areas and finally create an impacful Career Action Plan!