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GrowEasy Open Pitch
With we are building an Generative AI based digital marketing app, specialised in lead generation

Why are we building AI app now?
With Generative AI lots of mundane tasks can be automated like writing texts, coding, data analytics but the major tailwind in the sector of AI is API-fication of large language models.
So with LLM APIs it becomes very easy for subject matter experts to solve problems of users in automated and scalable way.

For example: Imagine an expert growth and marketing expert named Tej, lots of businesses consult Tej for their growth, Tej has created set of systems, playbooks and frameworks for growth, learnt over years, working in the field.
But Tej has limited time and can only help small number of businesses, But with inception of generative AI, its very easy to make AI learn about marketing systems, playbooks and frameworks which Tej has created and help infinite number of businesses with their marketing needs, Without Tej being physically available.

Story of GrowEasy.AI
GrowEasy.AI is not the idea which we started working on initially, We started building an AI ad banner creator tool, to help small businesses replace graphic designers.
We named the tool, Bannerbot ( ), Bannerbot had very good early traction with 2000+ organic users, generating more than 3500 banners.
Whille building Bannerbot , we talked to many business owners and got to know that willingness to pay for a graphic design tool is on lowerside, Users were generating Ad banners but bringing actual business growth via that banners was the actual real challenge.
So we came up with the idea of Groweasy.AI, And end to end automated marketing solution for small businesses

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