Common and advanced audiences, how can we merge or slice & dice…


All Database - 282,326
Lodging Winter Propensity - 145,947
Valley Values – 108,941 (154,486), sign up on website
Dropped – 49,371, sign up on website
Snow Report Daily/ Wknd - 9,364/ 7,650 (no pow 6,493)
23-24 Ikon - 49,371 (All Acquisition Audiences)
Ikon Pass Holders - 25,036
Local Pass Holders - 970
22-23 Renewals - 5,140
Friends & Family - 2,452
High Intent - 4,081
22-23 Winter Lodging Guests – 1,522 (1,541)
22-23 Winter Scans or Transactions - 60,662

ADVANCED AUDIENCE (Segmenting from Alterra)

Diamond Lifetime Value (Individual)

4 – 16,270
3 – 43,129
2 – 63,056
1 – 168,557
0 – 287,413

Project Illuminate Segments

High-Octane Households – 114K
Seasoned Skiers – 92K
Crew-based Adventurers – 20K
Value Chasers – 44K
Inclusive Connoisseurs – 20K
Experiential Freedom Seekers – 15K
MVP – 29,823 (higher RFM score with a Recency Score = 4 or 5 & Monetary Score = 4 or 5)
LVP – 25,400 (low RFM score with a Recency Score = 3, 2 or 1 & Monetary Score = 3, 2 or 1)
MOR (Middle of Road) – 90,057 (customers who purchased or booked, but not an MVP or LVP)
Rookies – 77,517 (are prospects and haven't purchased or booked)

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