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SpringBoard Team Builder Kit

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Vision Kit

Create a shared vision
Use the Vision Kit to learn about each other's hopes for the team and set a bold vision for what you will achieve together.
Vision Facilitation Guide
👋 Check-In
10 mins
Ask: What is one thing you have yet to tick off your bucket list?Go around the room one-by-one. Set a time if needed to help keep everyone on track.
💭 Hopes
10 mins
Ask the team to write the answer to these 2 questions in silence:
What are your hopes for the business?
How would you like clients to describe us?
Have everyone create a heat map by silently reading and voting for one in each category that they personally find most exciting.
🧭 Exploration
10 mins
Ask the team to write the complete these three statements in silence:
Our team exists to_________
In 2 years we are famous for ________
This is evidenced by ________
Silently read and vote for one in each category that they find most exciting. Choose one for each statement with the most votes.
You’ll use these to build the Vision Statement. If needed, assign one member of the team to be the tie breaker.
⛰️ Vision
5 mins
Assemble the final Vision Statement from the top statements in the Exploration activity. ​Reflect back what you’ve accomplished as a group and have a short discussion as time permits.
📰 Headlines
15 mins
Split group into pairs, ask each to take 5 minutes to write a snappy newspaper headline and short supporting copy that brings to life the best statements. Ask each pair to share back. Then silently vote to get a heatmap of what resonates most with the team.
🔭 Reflection
10 mins
Close with: What excited you about today’s discussion?
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