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SpringBoard Team Builder Kit

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The Team Builder Kit is designed to build strong teams, fast.

It includes 3 interactive, one hour sessions. Facilitate each ready-made session with ease while building trust, ambition and a shared vision for success with your team.
Build high levels of trust and identity
Get explicit about your ambitions as a team
Set simple ‘ways of working’ to help achieve your vision
We hope you love it and welcome !

Designed by Sprint Valley

Meet , a fluid team of subject matter experts and some of the world’s leading creative thinkers. We use behavioural science and design thinking to help teams overcome complex challenges so they can leave work proud and arrive home happy.
Our work combines consulting with coaching for results that stick. We don’t want to just solve a challenge—we want to equip a team to solve all the challenges to come. SpringBoard is designed to help you do just that.
Clients include: Nike, McDonald’s, Intel, Virgin Atlantic and the British Red Cross (to name a few)
Meet Springboard's Design Team
Luke Battye.png
Managing Partner
Ann Padley.jpg
Innovation Consultant
Innovation Consultant
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Innovation Consultant
Innovation Consultant
Innovation Consultant
Lauren Dixon
Innovation Consultant
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Special Projects Lead
Tommy Mason
Digital Designer
Innovation Consultant
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