Business Goal

Service Contract - User Research

This Freelance Contract, is entered into and made effective as of Jan 16 2023, by and between Balamurugan M, located at 03112, Sobha Dream Acers, Balgare, Bangalore - 560087, and Aditi Jain, with an office located at 608, Shriram Chirping Woods, Haralur road, Bangalore .
Customer has a need for design service for their product; and
Freelancer has an interest in performing such services for Customer; and
The parties wish to set forth the terms and conditions upon which such services will be provided to Customer;
Now therefore, in consideration of the foregoing, and the mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

Services Description

The service is split into 3 milestones. Payments would be done at each milestone. For the first two milestones the Payment will be done at the beginning. For the 3rd and the final payment, it would be done after delivering the project. Total of 30k would be paid in 3 instalments 10k, 8k and 12k respectively.

Milestone 1: User Research

Duration: 3 weeks | Payment: 10k (beginning)
To understand the users and their pain points
Conducting user testing with a competitor product
Analysing the competitor product
Creating Test script
Dry run the script and finalising the script
Conducting testing with 4 - 6 different users (For every additional interview client to pay 1000rs each)
Client to share the contact details for the participant
Interviewer to schedule time with them and conduct interview
After each interview client would share the 500rs amazon coupon for each candidate
Interview must be recorded and shared with the client
Review and analysis the recording along with the client
Secondary research
Research about various goal techniques or methods
Prepare a detailed document and share with the client
Creating Persona, mapping their journey and identifying the key use cases and priorities.
Testing Script
Interview Recording of each users
Secondary research document
Journey Map
Use cases

Milestone 2: Ideation

Duration: 3 weeks | Payment: 8k (beginning)
Ideate workable solutions based on use analysis and verification
Information Architecture of the complete application
Sketching each screen and ideating various options.
Wire framing of the all the key screens (maximum 40 screen)
Testing the prototype with 4 - 6 different users max, for the final approved script.
Same as above testing
IA mapping of the app
Wireframe of the complete application
Testing Recording

Milestone 3: Design

Duration: 4 weeks | Payment: 12k (Completion)
Design strategy and Prototyping the final solution
Mood board with reference
Style guide including Logo, Color and Typography
UI Component library
Click through Prototype Design for both mobile and web (maximum 40 screen) (For every additional 10 screens client to pay 2500rs extra)
Style Guide
Note: Client will review each deliverable and approve before moving to the next milestone. All design must be done on Figma and shared with the client with edit access.

Terms and Conditions

This Freelance Contract is governed by the terms and conditions provided here and in Attachment A, attached hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by their respective signatures below, the parties have caused the Contract, inclusive of Attachment A, to be duly executed and effective as of the Effective Date.
Aditi Jain
Balamurugan M

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