User Interview

Interview Script

Interview Goals

To learn about the user and their mindset about their goal setting process
To learn their key challenges
To analyse what do they think about our competitor tool and their ideas.

1. Introduction:

5 mins
Introduce About us and the project
Ask permission to record the session. Please tell them it will be used only for note taking purposed. Will not be used anything beyond

2. To learn about the user:

5 mins
Ask about users Age/Gender/Profession
Ask them, have they participated in user research previously?
Clarify them, “we are testing our product. Not their knowledge or their previous experience”. There is no right or wrong answer. Please feel free to share their thoughts. Only their honest answer would help us to build a better experience for our product.

3. Their Goal orientedness

20 mins
Do you think yourself as a goal oriented person? - Yes or No
If Yes (Goal Oriented Person)
What are some of the goals which you have accomplished recently? - Please quote some of your experience
Are there any specific methods or techniques to follow to work on their goal? - Yes / No
If yes:
Can you elaborate about the method/technique?
How long have you been following it?
Where do you think you can apply this method/technique? I mean for what type of goals? Career, Passion, health etc.
What are some of the challenges you face while working on a goal?
What aspect of the goal settings process is more challenging to you?
When there are too many goals to work on, how do you priorities your goal? - Can you please elaborate
How would you plan and track your goals? Do you use any particular tool for it - Yes / No
If Yes:
What do you like about it?
If No:
If you are looking for one, how would it be? Please describe
How do you milestone to achieve bigger goals?
How do you feel when you can’t achieve a goal? please quote some of your experience
Do you/would you feel more inclined towards completing a goal if you have a partner/team?
Have you taken professional help in the past to work on your goals? - Please elaborate
If No (Non-Goal Oriented)
Can you elaborate why you presume yourself as a non-goal oriented person? - Please elaborate
What does a goal mean to you?
Do you think taking goal seriously would change your life - Yes / No
If No:
Why do you think so?
If yes:
What do you think are the key blockers pursuing your life goal/dreams?
What is your closest experience on working on a goal? and what are the challenges you faced? - Please elaborate from your experience
Have you considered taking professional help on goal setting or taking a training etc?
Do you/would you feel more inclined towards completing a goal if you have a partner/team?

4. Tool Testing

25 mins
Share the link for and share the credentials to them to open the application
user name -
password - Vikram@22

1. First Impression

Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 1.19.16 PM.png
Can you please play around and describe to me
What do you think this app is built for? and when do you think you would use it?
Ask them to talk-out-aloud and give them enough time to go around and provide thoughts.

2. Goal Creation

Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 1.24.00 PM.png

Can you try this app to create a goal and plan an action item?
Let them explore the options and try creating a goal like actually how they do.
If they are stuck, ask them what they expect it to be? and help them only if they can’t move further.
Does the app help them to analyse their goal? - Yes/No
If Yes:
What is useful to them?
What other things can we add?
If No:
What is missing?
What would have been helpful for them to analyse?
How would they plan their goal? - Observe their steps and ask for clarity.
How would track their goal progress which they just created? - Observe their steps and ask for clarity.
What is your overall thought about the above steps. How can it be improvised?

3. Feedback & Suggestion

What do you like about this tool?
Can it be further improvised?
What do you dislike about it?
How can it be avoided?
What do you overall rate this application from 1 - 5? 1 being the least to 5 the highest.
If you are given control to change this app completely different, What would it be?

5. Closing Remark

5 mins
Thanking them for participation
Ask their email address to share the Amazon / Westside / Lifestyle / Max Voucher
If they live outside India, please ask them what works best for them?
Ask about their feedback and do they have any suggestion on improving the interview

Action Items:

Share the email to which the ID to send the coupon
Share the recording with bala
Review and make necessary changes on the script before the next interview.

Old template:

What stops you from pursuing your lifetime dreams/ goals?
What do you think could help you achieve those goals
What apects of achieving your dreams do you find the most challenging?
How do you generally start working with a goal/ what is your first step towards the journey?
Do you set your goals in chronological order or prioritize them? (If yes talk a bit about elimination)
Have you ever set milestones?
Do you work with a coach or any role model for guidance?
Do you/ would you feel more inclined towards completing a goal if you have a partner/team?

Do you feel a lack of motivation while completing a goal?
Have you ever felt that your efforts to achieve a goal were ineffective or not on track?
Have you ever dropped achieving a goal due to time frame?
Do you ever feel that you don't have a clear view of how much you have achieved?

Which category do you feel most of your goals fit in? (eg- travel/profession/financial)
What are the main obstacles that you have faced regarding these goals?
How do you feel when you are unable to achieve a particular goal?
What are your main motivation points while achieving a goal?

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