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Global Components Example

UPDATE December 21, 2022: I no longer use or support Coda. While it has better functions and coding environment, I’ve moved 100% to Notion because it is faster, easier, and more fun to work in.
UPDATE: I created and published Doc in response to a which expands on the concepts of this Doc’s examples.


This is an example of a simple company/team/personal dashboard. Place whatever you want here that makes the most sense for your systems.
The most important thing is to notice the Footer at the bottom of the page. It is a “Global Component” created and managed on the page.
Specifically, it’s the
entry in that Table. You can click this
link to directly open the Entry Edit screen.
This are buttons with “global labels” that are created and managed on the Page:

Quick Tasks:

Discuss Client Projects in Coda.
Fix a problem with something.
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If you have any questions, or would like help with Coda for your company or projects, please email and we’ll be happy to discuss your project(s) with you.

This is a Global Footer. Created and managed on the Page

You can add text, images, links and style them however you like.
(You just can’t add formulas or variables or any dynamic info)
Doc Page Links: |
Globals Links: | |
(click to edit →
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