Hi Rahul 👋🏻,
I'm Sanjoli, a Recruiting team member here at Stark Enterprises and I will be scheduling your interviews with us. To confirm your interview, please accept the proposed date and time.
Date & Time : Friday, Jun 3, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM India Time
Interviewer : Ayushi Gupta
Please note that occasionally there are unforeseeable changes that may be made to your schedule.
How To Connect
I have set up a video call via Google Meet, you will need access to a webcam. Wired internet and headphones are recommended but not essential. Your computer may require a plug-in install, so make sure you test the link with enough time before your call. Let me know if you have any problems – I can help troubleshoot if required!
Click on the “Join with Google Meet” before the start of the interview.
Please allow the interviewer a few extra minutes to set-up for the call
A few friendly reminders:
Make sure you're in a quiet environment. Double check that you're on a reliable phone line. It's okay to ask the interviewer to speak slowly if you can't catch what they're saying.
Additional Information
Some interviews will include two people; one will be present purely for training purposes.
We look forward to discussing your work experience, but do not want you to disclose or use confidential information obtained from a current or prior employer. Please be mindful of any confidentiality agreements you may have with current or former employers.
We record interview sessions for future references.
Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions at all.
Wishing you the best of luck in your interview!
Stark Enterprises