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RORA Core responsibilities

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Working with partners


Core responsibility: Work to our RORA essentials

Where we run the function, you must work in line with our RORA essentials:


PeopleOps ​(coming soon)
LegalOps ​(coming soon)

Unless otherwise agreed (for instance where we don’t manage an entire function) in writing following a scoping call.

Remember: This sets out our expected default - if you’re doing something different that’s ok but you should have a good reason.


Core responsibility: Send working day updates

You must communicate proactively with your partners.
We don’t take a back seat and wait for work to be set for us each week. We set the tasks we work on agreeing priorities with our partners, updating them as we go.
Usually teams do some/all of this:
an update on Slack (or similar)
a call to recap the week’s agenda and share progress
an email to confirm what’s been done and what will need to be continued next week

Remember: not hearing from your partners for long periods/ or a lack of engagement from them is a partner issue that you should raise:


Core responsibility: Review priorities kanban weekly

Each week, you should have a catch-up with your partner to review the week’s priorities.
They should be set out in a Kanban showing deadlines and status of tasks.
There’s a template you can use in the Partner Wiki template or you can do this using Trello or another tool the partner team use.

Remember: just because your partner doesn’t ask for a list of priorities doesn’t mean they don’t get one!


Core responsibility: Review time availability weekly

Each week, you should review the time that you and the partner team have available over the coming month or so to ensure you can align on what priorities are achievable. See above
Overall, you have ownership over your schedule in Resource Guru and you can update your schedule in line with our .
You must book holiday in your schedule and tell your partner teams in line with our . You must .

Remember: you should always work with the same partners on the same day/ time each week.

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