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Over the last three decades, flooding is a major risk in the world and nowadays it is becoming common in Malaysia. It has caused loss of lives and destruction of properties. Due to the negative impact of floods, we need to pay serious attention and take an alternatives way to reduce this disaster ‘architecturally’.
In this semester, Studio Design IIIB will look into this matter as part of the design program. We will try to look into the issue and provide possible solutions through architectural design. There is also an opportunity for us to find sustainable solutions especially in building reselience Malaysian community.

Flood Issues in Malaysia

Based on the study carried out by Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (JPS), Updating of Condition of Flooding and Flood Damage Assessment in Malaysia, 2012 found that 10.1% of the country’s total area is a flood-prone area with nearly 5.67 million people affected by floods. Its impact leads to a loss of property exceeding RM 1.0 Billion a year.
So far, we have been depending on temporary measures to deal with the issue yet there is a need to develop a permenant and sustainable solution for it.
Recently, the has begun the construction of eight permanent flood evacuation centres (PPS) in schools as a long-term solution to relocate flood victims. We believe that the permenant PPS concept can be expanded beyond a PPS that functions only when flood happen. This semester we will explore this possibility with resilient architecture in mind.
There are 4 key terms that we might need to embrace in this project:
Mitigation. Minimizing the impact of natural disasters such as flood. ​Example: building standards and zoning prone to floods; vulnerability analysis; public education.
Preparedness. Planning to respond to natural disasters such as flood. ​Example: preparedness plan; emergency training; prediction and early warning system.
Response. Efforts to minimize the hazards created by natural disasters such as flood. ​Example: search and rescue; emergency assistance.
Recovery. Normalization of people's lives. ​Example: temporary housing; grant; medical treatment

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