Once upon a time, in the mountains of Oawi and deep in the woods, was the “Temple of Ein no Chikara”. The Temple was built by the Great Emperor Oshi. Emperor Oshi had a dominant run of more than 7 decades without losing a single war. Not just that during his reign his kingdom never faced any floods , droughts , famine or sickness. But there was a secret that was laid in the foundations of walls of the Temple.
Behind his majestic reign it was believed that he possessed supernatural powers and had “Keys” to the Divine. Emperor Oshi had purest intentions , a clear conscience and always aligned his will to the will of the Divine. Emperor Oshi had only one mission which was to protect and nurture his kingdom and its people. As such he always used the “Keys” to only bring peace , restoration and life. Emperor Oshi knew that the “Keys” if fell into the wrong hands would result in destruction no one ever thought of.
As such Emperor Oshi gathered and trained a special breed of Samurais who would go on to protect the “Keys” from Darkness unto generations and called them the “Anchisukirus”
Meet the Anchisukiru Samurais 🔥 ⛩️ 🔥
The Anchisukiru Samurais were the chosen warriors who pledged their lives to protect the Temple’s “Keys” from the Dark Forces. Anchisukirus were physically conditioned to cut through rocks. Anchisukirus trained in martial arts, superior forms of vigilance and awareness. They mastered maneuvering weapons such as Katanas, Yaris , Wakizashi and more which made them the unbeatable on the battle field.
The Anchisukirus were superior in their consciousness which they gained through relentless mediation. This made them super aware that not even a fly could pass by without them knowing about it. They were also adept in their supernatural vision. The early Anchisukirus who were accepted into the clan were made to write letters in air with different calligraphy. With rigorous training they used their “mind” and “spirit,” rather than eyes, to watch their opponents and made them superior in their understanding of spatial and spiritual realms alike.
When Emperor Oshi was living his final days, the Anchisukirus took an oath to the Emperor that Generations of Anchisukirus will remain at the gates to protect the “Keys”. Through years several came to invade the Temple of Ein no Chikara and tried to uncover the secrets that Emperor Oshi buried in the walls of the Temple but none could stand the Great might of the Anchisukirus.
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