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Discussion on Previous Day's Actions Kalyani presented Research for Template analysis templates are created based on the paid and free user export user sample
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Template analysis and ]
Topic 2: [Issues in Existing Template like (Text alignment, content not updated in the output )]
Topic 3: [Interaction based input collection Approche using Chatgpt]
Issues & Challenges Raised
Text alignment while text length is more the text area and impacting design
Getting Template required input from user like (form, chat interaction, extact from script and ask other parameter needed)
Ideas and Solutions
[Record suggestions, new ideas, and solutions proposed by attendees]
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet
Get the analysis the input using Chatgpt from the user prompt, if any input require parameter is missing get from user (video resume template) - jeet
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 18 Sept

Key Decisions Made:

[Summary of any important decisions taken during the meeting]

Minutes of the meeting:

Discussion on Previous Day's Actions Kalyani presented Research for Template analysis templates are created based on the paid and free user export user sample
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Template analysis and validation ]
Topic 2: [Issues in Existing Template like (Text alignment, content not updated in the output )]
Topic 3: [Interaction based input collection approach from user using Chatgpt]
Issues & Challenges Raised
Text alignment while text length is more the text area and impacting design
Getting Template required input from user like (form, chat interaction, extact from script and ask other parameter needed)
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet
Get the analysis the input using Chatgpt from the user prompt, if any input require parameter is missing get from user (video resume template) - jeet
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 18 Sept

Minutes of the meeting: 13 Sept

Discussion on Previous Day's Actions Jeet presented Getting Template required input from user like ideas and workaround (form, chat interaction, extact from script and ask other parameter needed)
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Interaction based input collection approach from user using Chatgpt]
Topic 2: [Issues in Existing Template like (Text alignment, content not updated in the output )]
Topic 3: [Ganesh Will provided one version list for dynamnic action list for Review]
Issues & Challenges Raised
For Continue Conversation to Chatgpt we decided to use Longchain
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin/Sumit - 16 Sept
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 18 Sept

Key Decisions Made:

Tuesday We needed to show POC Demo for Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit

Minutes of the meeting: (16 Sept)
Discussion on Previous Day's Actions
Internal discussion with Tech Team for the Interaction based input collection POC
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Interaction based input collection approach from user using Chatgpt]
Topic 2: [Issues in Existing Template like (Text alignment, content not updated in the output )]
Issues & Challenges Raised
For Continue Conversation to Chatgpt we decided to use Longchain
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin/Sumit - 16 Sept
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet 16 Sept
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit 17 Sept
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh 17 Sept
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 18 Sept

Minutes of the meeting: (17 Sept)
Discussion on Previous Day's Actions
Jeet/sumit showed the demo of the Interaction based input collection POC with the form based question after once user given prompt
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Based solution approach for Interaction based input collection approach from user using Chatgpt (Template based, category based and combine of both)]
Topic 2: [UI flow explained by daya and flow and template select flow of category based approach]
Issues & Challenges Raised
Needed to define user flow for the AI template with 3 approach which could user friendly
Scale the template in this approach AI template based on the category
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin/Sumit - 18 Sept (fixed needed to move to dev)
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet 18 Sept (inprogress)
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit 18 Sept
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh 18 Sept
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 18 Sept

Key Decisions Made:

Quickly needed to complete the POC and do needed to define ux flow

Minutes of the meeting: (18 Sept)
Discussion on Previous Day's Actions
Jeet/sumit/Jeffin/Kalyani had a discussion with Vineet on the Scale the template in this approach AI template based on the category and New AI Template Flow
Today's Key Focus Areas
Topic 1: [Based solution approach for Interaction based input collection approach from user using Chatgpt (Template based, category based and combine of both)]
Topic 2: [Ganesh Showed Talking head New Action and expression ]
Issues & Challenges Raised
Needed to define user flow for the AI template with 3 approach which could user friendly
Scale the template in this approach AI template based on the category
Action Items/Next Steps
Text align bugs. - Jeffin/Sumit - 18 Sept (Done in steve ai needed to move to animaker ai)
Text empty or not updated content issue - jeet 19 Sept (inprogress)
Interaction based input collection POC - Jeffin/Jeet/sumit 19 Sept (Working on the flow )
Prototype for input for template from user (biteable) - Daya/Ganesh 19 Sept
Define the action list for the dynamnic action change using AI - Ganesh 19 Sept

Key Decisions Made:

Quickly needed to complete the POC and do needed to define ux flow
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