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Growth Experiment

Understanding the Problem

Problem: Low conversion rate from Animaker Dashboard to Animaker AI, resulting in low project creation and download numbers.
Key Metrics:
Daily users entering Animaker AI from Dashboard (DAU) = 2368
Daily projects created (PC) = 1173
Daily projects downloaded (PD) = 180
Conversion rates:
Dashboard to AI (D2AI) = 50% (1173/2368)
Project creation to download (PC2PD) = 15% (180/1173)
Overall conversion (D2PD) = 3% (180/2368)

Understanding the Problem

Based on the user data, the primary issues seem to be:
Short session durations: Many users are spending less than 15 seconds on AI video pages.
High bounce rates: Users are leaving the page without exploring further.
Page load times: Slow page load times are impacting user experience.

Strategies to Reduce User Drop-Off

A/B Testing Ideas

Headline Variation: Test different headlines to see which drives the most engagement (e.g., "Create Stunning Videos in Seconds," "Bring Your Ideas to Life with AI").
Call to Action Button: Experiment with different button colors, sizes, and wording (e.g., "Create Video," "Start Now", “Generate video”).
Test different page layouts: Experiment with the placement of elements and call-to-actions.

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