icon picker
Animaker AI 2.0

Improvements and Bug fixes:
AI lip-sync →
TTS flow Demo
TTS Edit Flow → 22 July
TTS edit flow web api support → 18 July
Eleven Labs voice integration → 12 July
Failure Optimisation - Done
Generation Failure Fixes

Free users flow (document)
Generation Cost per generation → Nava

Open Access To US free users (Devops, ) - 19 July
Upgrade Gates for Advanced edit - 19 July
Scalable for Global →
Data monitoring for failures
Open free plan access - Live
Failure fixes for all cases -devi
Onboarding flow changes (increase in no of project creation vs login)
Needed to add gate -

Need to Discussion → Goals

Improve the existing onboard flow - Daya
New template needed to update for existing Talking head
Needed Template based Approches needed to define(persona, goal, no of templates, deadline, categories )
Analysis Type of Traffic (define the persona)
Define the audience type (enterprise, free, other plans)
80/20 (impact/ research)
Are we going to give the Animaker AI to Enterprise Only?
define the persona
Increase the template count
Conversation experiment (B2C/B2B)
Ux issues fixes

Check and post me the feasibility of these items for fast release.
Opening up to all Countries. - 2 Aug
Introducing Animaker AI part of the onboard flow. - daya
First Video alone created using high quality audio Powered by Elevenlabs (US only for Free users) -

New Templates:
Required Sample for Talking Head New Templates →
Banking →
Airlines →
Promo →
Commercial →
Information →

Eleven Labs Voice
Needed to check with Customer from Support & Sales
Conversation Templates
3 Small things to improve

Template Talking head with expression:

Dev move → 26 action for one character → Ganesh Monday 12 August
13 Action Animaker AI templates- Ganesh
Expression from conversation from chatgpt scene Level - Sumit
Needed the support for the fix → jeffin ,21 Aug
Demo Video for - sumit 21 Aug
update the prebuild - ganesh
script to sumit for sample video - kalyani
Define the Action - Ganesh
Integration with character select → balu/sumit
Existing Template update - Sumit
Dev update - Dev team
Live -

Using Existing Web Templates:
Scene level Annotation 10 sample -Jeet
Tagging for Scene Level Annotation - Kalyani/Jeet - 10/10 completed
Discussion for implementation - 16 july
ES updated → Web team
Technical POC -Sumit/Jeet - done
Integration support Web/App -Monday
Research for Template analysis -

Fixes needed for Animo scene correction - jeet
Flow check existing flow - Ganesh/Nava/Kalyani
Needed to add 10 templates - jeet/Kalyani
UX flow needed to defined - Ganesh
Tagging -jeet/Kalyani
tags to es update - Balu

Conversational Template: (Hold )
Music Select for Conversational Type → Ganesh
List for Bg (7)→ Kalyani 10 July
List Expression & Action → Kalyani 15 July
One sample expression → Ganesh July
Expression from conversation from chatgpt- 14 August
Background with more details-7 →Jerry
Ux for voice select (2 voice) and template preview → Daya
Character Action & Expression → Ganesh 12 August
Technical POC -Sumit/jeet (POC Date) → 20 August
Integration on ES - Devi
Web support for POC -

Talking head emotions what we done
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