1. Product details page Block (We call it PDP) where users opt in to get notified for:
Track Price & Stock
Remind me later
Similar items in the future
2. Floating widget that opens in a small window on the website and that allows:
- Shortlisting multiple items without leaving the page in a small window
- Saving a shortlist to email
- Tracking price
- Item back in stock
- Remind me later
3. First week we made a tracking mistake and thought we had little to no usage. So we introduced a Pop up that shows up if a product page has been left without taking an action for 5min.
This pop up resulted to date with: >60 answers in one month
The pop up asks them what's missing from them making a purchase today?
Increase in add to cart rates for those that shortlist: We have found that users who shortlist have a higher add to cart rate than those who dont - this is even higher for our other customer The Stray Whisker that has higher add to cart activity
Increase lead capture: We increased lead capture by 10% in one month for this retailer 220-> + 25 emails captured
Increased insight: We have captured over 150 of data points on shopper insight e.g. whats stopping them from purchasing and what their intent is.
We havent been able to action the captured leads into repeat sessions via email -> due to technical issue that should be fixed today + retailer not going on sale + short case study period
How should we measure success?
Are these uplifts compelling or not strong enough to build a case around our product? e.g.
How should we measure uplifts in engagement (e.g. user insight)
How much activity should we expect from a site that has around 300 daily visitors?
Feedback on shortlisting activity
How might we increase shortlist activity (open to shortlisting)? For example should we replace hearts with another icon to reduce wishlisting bias?
Current: ~30% of those that open the widget are shortlisting
For example, this is Shortlist vs Add to cart from shortlist for the Stray Whisker:
Feedback on # of clicks and # of emails submitted for the PDP block
Click through acitvity inside the notifications are decent but submissions are low around 8% conversions:
- Are clicks and clicks to submission numbers good or bad?
Current: around 1-6% of those who click on an item are submitting their
How we want to improve on these features:
A. Improve the whole design UI
B. Improve the UX and expand the workflow of features where applicable
(1) Product Details Page buttons:
Merge track price & stock in one tracker instead of x2
For 'Save for later' → we are adding a calendar
Similar items feasibility → What are easy ways to notify a user when a similar product style or fabric or pattern or colour is available? We discussed using simple rules in the title or product description before using any AI.
Proposition to repurpose to merchant live feedback ‘I love that item’ as a feedback mechanism to the retailer.
(2) Feedback box:
Evolve the feedback box into a workflow that drives user actions like below: e.g. to take action and track item or to be delighted and get a discount depending on the answer given
(3) Widget window
The opt ins for notifications from the product details page vs inside the widget from items shortlisted is much higher.
No users have opted in to 'Save shortlist to email' inside the widget.
--> Our next step is to update feature wording + widget redesign y making the images bigger and see if there is an uplift.
Proposed re-design:
What is the threshold of success and for deleting features - how and when do we know what to delete what to keep?
How we see this evolving:
We essentially want to play around the decision making side of things by building a decision-making kit. Reason is, our current proposition is mostly to help with FUTURE decision making rather than NOW which does not provide the full picture on decision making in the user journey when we zoom out and map out how users truly behave. Therefore, we want provide a hybrid value proposition focused on helping the user take a decision for Now or for Later and easily come back to it. where:
#Better shopping tools Give them the tools to:
- Browse products better by shortlist and comparing for a decision Built
- Share with friends if they want someone else's opinion for a decision Built
- Save shortlists to make a decision on a different device or in store Built not executed well
#Better shopping dialogue Give them the tools to make a decision later if today is not the right day for them for a decision
- Track price and stock of products Built
- Be reminded of similar products Half Built
- Be reminded later at a time of their choice Built
- Understand their reason for not purchasing through simple in-session feedback box Built
#Better shopping assistance Nudge them for a decision now about the product
- Highlight product brand or features: e.g. Brand won many awards, Sustainable brand, Easy to be washed, Brand plants trees etc.
- Use scarcity effect for urgency 'Selling fast' 'Low in stock' 'A hot item right now'
- Use behavioural rules to nudge a user to make a decision
I have been reading academic papers on nudging and this side requires fleshing out the product in more detail
#Better shopping delighting Delight them with relevant offers to encourage them towards a decision and build stronger loyalty:
- e.g. Delight repeat users with free shipping offers or express shipping or upgrade them if they havent reached the free shipping threhold etc.
Essentially, we want to become a soft mix of 3 apps: Swym + /Because + Mode Magic + Namagoo. Other software in the space include Insider, Critizr, Omniconvert