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Digitally Inked Stories


Have you analyzed your mission in Life?
It might have been complicated as everyone else, figuring out what you can do best when you are bounded to a closed environment or closed beliefs. For me, the journey has been relatively smooth and easy to figure out, while making it happen is another piece of the challenge.
Narrowing my PICS (Passion, Interest, Cause, and Skills) had been the most unusual activity I could do for my personal and professional growth throughout the years. I would say that I can get out of bed in the morning if money wasn’t an issue for traveling across the world, journaling stories of vulnerable children in words, and cook. I enjoy storytelling, and I feel the butterflies in my stomach every time I accomplish a piece of written work that was so much authentic. Besides being an active listener, flexible and observant, vulnerable children exposed to poor learning conditions is one of the topic interests that I have been looking forward to.
Photo by from
These aspects take hold of my mission. To make a positive impact on the picture of the young-aged group with the crampy environment they are surrounded with. Well, these aspects have a significant impact on my mission to life. Being flexible would help me fit in these situations that multiple children across the globe face and utilize written storytelling skills to help these young souls tell their stories to the entire world.
Thus, my mission is to impact young-aged groups by using my written storytelling and artistic cooking skills to help them see what it takes not to give up. My choice to this mission is because I have been exposed to a space of criticism, where other individuals of the same age ended their journey because of other people’s words or choices. I intend to help them to tell their experiences as practical as possible and feel the rhythm of not letting go of their missions in life.
What about you?
What is your Mission?
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