Cooking Measurements & Conversion Chart
Cooking Measurements & Conversion Chart

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Cooking Measurements: Conversion Chart & Tools

Convert common cooking measurements like half of 3/4 cups, oz to cups, ml to cups, grams to cups, and more.
Don't waste time flipping through a measuring cup trying to find a conversion. This quick reference guide has just what you need to convert from the United States, imperial, and metric system right at your fingertips. This measurement conversion chart includes all volume measurements and weight measurements, like half cups, ounces to cups, milliliters to cups, and grams to cups. Cook with confidence, as you'll find the cooking measurement conversion possibilities that matter to you in this measurement converter.
This cooking measurement tool is built in Coda. ?

Click a page below to see common cooking measurements and their conversions

Want to see the full conversion tables? Look below:

Half of cups to tbsp and oz
Half of Cups
In tbsp
In oz
1 cup
1/2 cup
8 tbsp
4 oz
3/4 cup
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp
6 tbsp
3 oz
2/3 cup
1/3 cup
5 tbsp + 1 tsp
2.6 oz
1/2 cup
1/4 cup
4 tbsp
2 oz
1/3 cup
1/8 cup + 2 tsp
2 tbsp + 2 tsp
1 1/3 oz
1/4 cup
1/8 cup
2 tbsp
1 oz
1/8 cup
1/16 cup
1 tbsp
1/2 oz
There are no rows in this table

Ounces to cups, tsp, and grams
16 oz
2 cups
96 tsp
480 grams
8 oz
1 cup
48 tsp
240 grams
4 oz
1/2 cup
24 tsp
120 grams
3.5 oz
2/5 cup
21 tsp
105 grams
2 oz
1/4 cup
12 tsp
60 grams
1 oz
1/8 cup
6 tsp
30 grams
There are no rows in this table

Milliliters to cups and oz
250 ml
1 cup
8 1/2 oz
200 ml
5/6 cup
6 3/4 oz
175 ml
3/4 cup
6 oz
150 ml
2/3 cup
5 oz
125 ml
1/2 cup
4 1/2 oz
100 ml
2/5 cup
3 1/3 oz
80 ml
1/3 cup
2 3/4 oz
75 ml
1/3 cup
2 1/2 oz
60 ml
1/4 cup
2 oz
50 ml
1/4 cup
1 3/4 oz
40 ml
1/6 cup
1 1/3 oz
30 ml
1/8 cup
1 oz
15 ml
1/16 cup
1/2 oz
9 ml
1/32 cup
1/3 oz
There are no rows in this table

Grams to cups and oz by ingredient type
600 grams
2 1/2 cup
21 1/6 oz
500 grams
2 cup
17 2/3 oz
450 grams
2 cup
15 5/6 oz
400 grams
1 3/4 cup
14 oz
350 grams
1 1/2 cup
12 1/3 oz
300 grams
1 1/4 cup
10 1/2 oz
250 grams
1 cup
8 4/5 oz
160 grams
2/3 cup
5 2/3 oz
150 grams
3/5 cup
5 1/4 oz
140 grams
3/5 cup
5 oz
130 grams
1/2 cup
4 1/2 oz
120 grams
1/2 cup
4 1/4 oz
110 grams
1/2 cup
3 5/6 oz
100 grams
2/5 cup
3 1/2 oz
50 grams
1/5 cup
1 3/4 oz
25 grams
1/10 cup
5/6 oz
20 grams
1/12 cup
3/4 oz
15 grams
1/16 cup
1/2 oz
10 grams
1/32 cup
1/3 oz
8 grams
1/32 cup
1/3 oz
7 grams
1/32 cup
1/4 oz
5 grams
1/64 cup
1/5 oz
3 grams
1/64 cup
1/10 oz
600 grams
4 4/5 cup
21 1/6 oz
500 grams
4 cup
17 2/3 oz
450 grams
3 3/5 cup
15 5/6 oz
400 grams
3 1/5 cup
14 oz
350 grams
2 4/5 cup
12 1/3 oz
300 grams
2 2/5 cup
10 1/2 oz
250 grams
2 cup
8 4/5 oz
160 grams
1 1/4 cup
5 2/3 oz
150 grams
1 1/5 cup
5 1/4 oz
140 grams
1 cup
5 oz
130 grams
1 cup
4 1/2 oz
120 grams
1 cup
4 1/4 oz
110 grams
4/5 cup
3 5/6 oz
100 grams
4/5 cup
3 1/2 oz
50 grams
2/5 cup
1 3/4 oz
25 grams
2/5 cup
5/6 oz
20 grams
1/5 cup
3/4 oz
15 grams
1/8 cup
1/2 oz
10 grams
1/8 cup
1/3 oz
8 grams
1/16 cup
1/3 oz
7 grams
1/16 cup
1/4 oz
5 grams
1/32 cup
1/5 oz
3 grams
1/64 cup
1/10 oz
600 grams
3 cup
21 1/6 oz
500 grams
2 1/2 cup
17 2/3 oz
450 grams
2 1/4 cup
15 5/6 oz
400 grams
2 cup
14 oz
350 grams
1 3/4 cup
12 1/3 oz
300 grams
1 1/2 cup
10 1/2 oz
250 grams
1 1/4 cup
8 4/5 oz
160 grams
4/5 cup
5 2/3 oz
150 grams
3/4 cup
5 1/4 oz
140 grams
3/4 cup
5 oz
130 grams
2/3 cup
4 1/2 oz
120 grams
2/3 cup
4 1/4 oz
110 grams
1/2 cup
3 5/6 oz
100 grams
1/2 cup
3 1/2 oz
50 grams
1/4 cup
1 3/4 oz
25 grams
1/6 cup
5/6 oz
20 grams
1/8 cup
3/4 oz
15 grams
1/16 cup
1/2 oz
10 grams
1/16 cup
1/3 oz
8 grams
1/32 cup
1/3 oz
7 grams
1/32 cup
1/4 oz
5 grams
1/64 cup
1/5 oz
3 grams
1/64 cup
1/10 oz
600 grams
2 2/3 cup
21 1/6 oz
500 grams
2 1/4 cup
17 2/3 oz
450 grams
2 cup
15 5/6 oz
400 grams
1 3/4 cup
14 oz
350 grams
1 1/2 cup
12 1/3 oz
300 grams
1 1/3 cup
10 1/2 oz
250 grams
1 cup
8 4/5 oz
160 grams
3/4 cup
5 2/3 oz
150 grams
2/3 cup
5 1/4 oz
140 grams
2/3 cup
5 oz
130 grams
3/5 cup
4 1/2 oz
120 grams
1/2 cup
4 1/4 oz
110 grams
1/2 cup
3 5/6 oz
100 grams
2/5 cup
3 1/2 oz
50 grams
1/4 cup
1 3/4 oz
25 grams
1/8 cup
5/6 oz
20 grams
1/8 cup
3/4 oz
15 grams
1/16 cup
1/2 oz
10 grams
1/16 cup
1/3 oz
8 grams
1/32 cup
1/3 oz
7 grams
1/32 cup
1/4 oz
5 grams
1/64 cup
1/5 oz
3 grams
1/64 cup
1/10 oz

This cooking measurement tool is built in Coda. ?

Cooking Measurements FAQs

What are cooking measurements?

Cooking measurements are units of measurement used to determine the amount of a particular ingredient for a recipe using standard cooking measurement tools like measuring cups, measuring spoons, or measuring utensils (eg. kitchen scale). Cooking measurements help bring consistency to recipes. A common measure for cooking is “1 cup” which converts to:
1 cup = 240 ml
1 cup = 8 ounces
1 cup = 16 tablespoons
1 cup = 48 teaspoons
1 cup = 1/16 gallon

What are the types of measurements in cooking?

There are several types of cooking measurements used to measure volume, mass, weight, and temperature of cooking ingredients. For example:
pound (lb)
ounce (oz)
mg (milligram)
g (gram)
kg (kilogram)
teaspoon (tsp.)
tablespoon (tbsp.)
fluid ounce (fl oz)
cup (c)

What are the two types of measurement systems?

There are two types of measurement systems used in cooking: metric measurements (liters, grams), and their imperial measurement equivalents in the US imperial system like cups, pints, ounces, etc.

What is the difference between dry measures and liquid measures?

Although dry measuring cups and liquid measuring cups are designed to hold the same volume, we use them for measuring different ingredient types. As their name suggests, dry cups measure dry ingredients (sugar, powder, salt), while liquid cups measure liquid ingredients (syrup, oils, liquid extracts) that the recipe calls for.

What is T in cooking measurements?

Uncapitalized t (or tbs.) in cooking measurements denotes a "teaspoon", while a capitalized letter T refers to "tablespoon".
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