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Risk Module

Updated Loan Deductions Feature

As a risk officer, you now have the ability to add deductions to a loan undergoing underwriting.
All you need to do is name the deduction and enter an amount. A summary of the deduction will be displayed. Once you’re good with the deduction, you can hit the ‘Deduct’ button(left image). You can confirm the deductions that have been added by checking the ‘loan deductions’ section when you drop down the loan

Nigeria Customs Loan

As a risk officer, you’re expected to check that the following are updated on the customer’s profile, else finance would not be able to disburse the loan
Personal details(State, Local Government and Address)
NCS number.
NCS Payslip
Bank account details
Work ID card should be provided
DTI is 50% and maximum tenor is currently 3 months.
You’re also expected to confirm that Loan type(Government) is selected for this loan and that the appropriate loan product that tallies with the principal is selected.

To learn more about the Customs Loans process, here’s a flow from the user’s end and a step by step guide on how we manage the application process below.

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