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Goal to Reduce Excess

If you’re like me, you’re probably looking to reduce some of those excess items from your kitchen. Use this page to set a goal for how much to reduce and keep track – be sure to update your by marking items “used”.

Let’s set a goal to reduce those “excess” items and clear out your pantry.

Set your date range – in what time period do you want to meet your goal?
Start date:
End date:
Set your usage goal – how much do you want to reduce your “excess” items by?
You are starting with this many items marked “excess” in your :
How many would you like to reduce that by ?
ℹ️ Tip: aim for a goal of reducing by 40-60%. There will always be some!
Clear sample data
Create goal tracker

You have -1 remaining items to use to complete your goal.

Progress to goal
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