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Meal Planner Template with Recipe Generator & Shopping List
Meal Planner Template with Recipe Generator & Shopping List
What's in My Pantry
Goal to Reduce Excess
Meal Plan
Recipe Database
Recipe Generator
Shopping List
Emergency Prep
Automated Reminder Setup
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Behind the Scenes
Goal to Reduce Excess
If you’re like me, you’re probably looking to reduce some of those excess items from your kitchen. Use this page to set a goal for how much to reduce and keep track – be sure to update your
What's in My Pantry
by marking items “used”.
Let’s set a goal to reduce those “excess” items and clear out your pantry.
Set your date range
– in what time period do you want to meet your goal?
Start date:
End date:
Set your usage goal
– how much do you want to reduce your “excess” items by?
You are starting with this many items marked “excess” in your
What's in My Pantry
How many would you like to reduce that by ?
ℹ️ Tip: aim for a goal of reducing by 40-60%. There will always be some!
Clear sample data
Create goal tracker
You have -1 remaining items to use to complete your goal.
Progress to goal
Progress to goal
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