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For **Tomorrow, Thursday, October 4th, 2023:**
**LinkedIn Post Copy:** "🔥 The heat is ON! Collegiate Ecommerce Ignite is not just about pitches. It's about real traction! Get a sneak peek at the top side hustlers driving genuine business, with $1,000 in prizes on the line. Check out the current leaders and join us tomorrow to see who reigns supreme in Rhode Island! *#EcommerceIgnite #KANUventures #CollegiateEntrepreneurs*
[Register for the Winners Showcase](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/winner-showcase-event-tickets-717433842937?aff=oddtdtcreator)"
**Design Brief for LinkedIn Post:** - **Main Image**: Collage of the logos/products from the top three current standing ventures. - **Secondary Images**: Visual icons next to each scoring criteria: :shopping_bags: for Sales, :speech_balloon: for Feedback, :eyes: for Views. - **Text Overlay**: "Top Side Hustlers in Action!" - **Subtext**: "$1,000 Prizes! Find out tomorrow."
For **Discord Announcement**: "@everyone, Remember the rules! Sales, feedback, and views determine our winners, with a sweet $1,000 prize pool! Current standings are LIVE. Get sharing, get selling, and may the best hustler win! 💰🏆 #EcommerceIgnite"
For **Friday, October 5th, 2023:**
**LinkedIn Post Copy:** "📢 LAST CALL! Today's the final day for Collegiate Ecommerce Ignite. Rhode Island's top student ventures are on the brink of success! Who will clinch victory? Here are the current leaders. Don't forget the Winners' Showcase at 1:30 pm. Come celebrate, shop, and support! *#EcommerceIgnite #KANUventures #CollegiateEntrepreneurs*
[Explore the Collection](https://kanu.us/collection/rihub/subcollection/ecommerce-ignite/)"
**Discord Reminder:** "@everyone, It's the FINAL PUSH! Last chance to make your mark. The showcase is at 1:30 pm. Let's finish strong, hustlers! 🚀 #EcommerceIgnite"
**LinkedIn Design Brief:** - **Main Image**: Picture of the Winner or their product/logo. - **Secondary Images**: Runner-ups' images or logos. - **Text Overlay**: "Congratulations [Winner's Name/Brand]!" - **Subtext**: "Rhode Island's Top College Venture"
**LinkedIn Post Copy:** "🎉 And we have a WINNER! A massive congratulations to our Ecommerce Ignite champion and our runner-ups. This wasn't about pitches; it was about real-world results. Thank you to all participants for showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit of Rhode Island's students. Let's continue to shop and support our young entrepreneurs on [KANU.US](https://kanu.us/). 🚀🎓 *#EcommerceIgniteWinner #KANUventures #CollegiateEntrepreneurs*"
Let me know if you need any further refinements or additional materials!
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