This is one of the most interesting tools I found. It requires courage to take a few days off for an “unpaid offsite for yourself”, but it is very important specially if you work as independent. It is a week to play the role of “your manager” and focus on the big picture. Below some more detail on how to do it, and a template.
When you love what you do you want to keep working, but rest is also important, and specially time to reflect
That is the goal of un-vacation, is a time where you stop your day to day work to take a week to unwind reflect, and be your own manager
You can do this as frequently as every quarter or every 6 months
Goal is to finish the week even more energized about your work
Being bored is ok
Flexible schedule - there is not must dos, let me do what I feel like doing
Balance input (reading, etc.) with output (writing) in a good equilibrium
Let mind wander and explore with curiosity
No execution during the week - Use the week to think about a manager - how to plan, not execute