No more ping-ponging between documents, spreadsheets, and workflow apps to get things done. Coda brings all of your words and data into one flexible surface.
Changing the layout of your data (i.e. charts, kanban boards, and calendar views)
Making your doc interactive with buttons
We've also pulled in the highlights from the Welcome doc into this section below 👇
Coda's Building Blocks
Coda begins with a blinking cursor and grows as big as your team’s ambition. Check out a quick product tour below:
Sections & Folders
Sections and folders let you organize your doc so it's easy to find the information you need. You can think of these as combining tabs in a spreadsheet or bringing together multiple docs into one doc.
Tables in Coda function more like databases than spreadsheets. While Coda tables behave more like databases, users can view and manipulate their data with ease like in a spreadsheet. They can help you track tasks, clients, features, or whatever else you need to manage.
are a powerful way to add structure to your ideas. But what if you want to visualize the information differently? With Coda, you can slice, dice, and chop your data however you'd like using Views. A View is a mirror of your data that can be tailored to your unique needs, all while staying connected to the source - so say goodbye to copy-paste and creating stale copies!
When you move the items on the Kanban view or drag the bars on the Gantt chart, the info in the Table will automatically update as well. Test this out with the tables below!
Graph View
Kanban View
Gantt Chart View
Packs are our version of integrations or plug-ins. They connect your doc to the apps you use every day, so you can pull live data in or push updates out automatically. For example, you can send automated updates and reminders from your doc using our Slack Pack or send email summaries from Coda using our Gmail Pack.