The Inner Hajj
The Zawiyah Retreat Experience

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How to Write Sidi’s Teachings

Start with Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmi.
Become aware of your breath, and of your heart’s connection to Allah, swt, and to our guide Sidi Muhammad -take his hand.
Read the chapter that you have been assigned. If the chapter is long, you may choose to read one page at a time.
Transcribe the chapter, or page, word for word into your notebook. This practice brings you, through the heart of Sidi, to the Heart of The Real. It inscribes, in light, the teachings onto your heart. InshAllah.
As the pen flows on the paper, the light encoded in the written words moves, through your writing, to your heart; causing it to gain a deeper understanding of the teachings. Writing in this way awakens your heart and your intellect; be present with what unfolds. Let go of expectations and write at your heart’s pace.
After you have written some paragraphs, pause and be in remembrance; allow your heart to empty and be filled by Allah. Then go back to your writing.
In the process of writing and remembering, underline passages that speak to you, or that you find challenging; take note of what unfolds, questions that come up, insights that come to your heart. Bring your questions and reflections to your check-ins.
There may be times when your zawiyah teacher recommends a variation on this process; we invite you to be open to receive that guidance.

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