Do we want Mentees to choose mentors and have them look at our website or should we proactively recommend 3 mentors based on what they submit in their application?
One of the mentees shared the waitlist form to his dad who appears to be a great candidate.
Do we want to open up our mentor process to well-formed Catholic men who visit Atlanta frequently?
New Proposal for Mentors to Finish the Training. Zoom Sessions.
Will Tim and Tayron be mentors?
What is our strategy to engage mentor candidates?
How should we gauge commitment level of original pilot group given their responses? What is the frequency of communication with Atlanta Pilot Mentors?
How should we format the mentor bio? Mentor bio is long and inconsistent (e.g, some talk in first person)
Optional website design workshop led by Joy (contract UX designer); need more alignment on copy
Should we record all our leadership meetings in case people can’t attend?
Who will own mentor training strategy? When will we have this discussion?
Do we have a way to contact mentors based on progress?