The Recipes of Fair-Play Interaction are the Standards which express the quality of Care of an Ecosystem.
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The above Recipes may be expressed in the following manner:
Detachment is the Purpose of Ethical Conduct. Principled Detachment establishes the Capacity known as Courage (Character).
Truth is the Honesty of Ethical Effort. Principled Truth establishes the Magnitude known as Receptiveness (Intelligence).
Imagination is the Generosity of Ethical Resolve. Principled Imagination establishes the Coverage known as Altruism (meta-Care).
Fallacy is the Inclusion of Ethical View. Principled Fallacy establishes the Formation known as Truthfulness (Community).
Memory is the Love of Ethical Livelihood. Principled Memory establishes the Convertibility known as Wisdom (Family).
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Humane Interaction Axiom:
Hybrid-Reality Interaction (Recipes) = ( Detachment through Capacity + Truth through Magnitude + Imagination through Coverage + Fallacy through Formation + Memory through Convertibility ) ( - ) ( Non-Detachment through Non-Capacity + Non-Truth through Non-Magnitude + Non-Imagination through Non-Coverage + Non-Fallacy through Non-Formation + Non-Memory through Non-Convertibility )
A clarification concerning the Fallacy through Formation might be found useful here. Fallacies are behavioral tendencies which Form our Interactions. When treated through a Healthy and Devoted Intend for Self-Autonomy, we Empower Inclusion, Ethical Views, and Truthfulness in our Ecosystems.