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(old)Quaker Houghton's Mastermind Challenge

THIS IS A WORKING PIECE - HARRISON. Please go to (v2) Quaker Houghton for the most updated one.

Quaker Houghton’s Mastermind Challenge is a fun-filled wellness journey to foster “fit minds”, and a happier, healthier you. , and win attractive !

Prizes to be won

Attractive prizes will be given to the top 3 teams and individuals.
Team-based prizes (1).png
Individual team prizes.png

THIS IS A WORKING PIECE - HARRISON. Please go to (v2) Quaker Houghton for the most updated one.

5 ways to clock points and win

For more information on clocking points and the mechanism of the challenge, you can refer to the FAQ: “blah blah blah TO BE EDITED BY HARRISON” (it will be hyperlinked)
Wellbeing check in.png
Successful Referral@2x.png
Bonus point image to be added by harrison

THIS IS A WORKING PIECE - HARRISON. Please go to (v2) Quaker Houghton for the most updated one.

How to join the Mastermind Challenge?

Step 1:
Sign up for the MindFi Wellbeing Programme here. Follow instructions to download and login to the MindFi App.

Step 3.png

Note: You can only join one team at a time. However, you can still change your team in the future.

THIS IS A WORKING PIECE - HARRISON. Please go to (v2) Quaker Houghton for the most updated one.

Frequently Asked Questions

My coworker has just invited me to his/her team. How do I join?
How do I clock my points by check-in my wellbeing?
Oh no! I am having some technical issues! Where can I contact for help?
How do you ensure this is a fair competition without cheating?
How many minutes can I clock every day?

My coworker has just invited me to his/her team. How do I join?

How do I clock my points by check-in my wellbeing?

How do you ensure this is a fair competition without cheating?

Mindfulness is not meant to be competitive. Again, the challenge respects the non-striving nature of mindfulness. However, there is no foolproof solution for human creativity. That being said, the vendor (MindFi) has timestamp-based checks on completed sessions for all 4 modes in the mobile apps. We will conduct weekly checks and also audit final results before prize announcements. In the event of detection of any unusual behaviour, MindFi reserves the right to suspend accounts and reset or modify scores of anyone who is deemed to have engaged in manipulative scoring practices such as (and not limited to): Using one account on multiple devices, and not following the proper usage of the app in line with our .

How many minutes can I clock every day?

50 minutes. And you are awarded points up to 50 minutes everyday.

Why can’t I find the challenge tab?

If you did not apply the <QH2021> group code when you signed up on the MindFi App, you would not see the challenge tab.
Start by visiting this link: ; enter the email address you used to sign up on the MindFi App and the group code: <QH2021>.
After that, restart the MindFi App and ensure that you’re logged in with the same email address that you used to sign up on the MindFi App earlier. You should see the challenge tab now. If not, please contact us at .

Why can’t I invite my colleague’s email address?

If your colleague has not registered on the promo code page, you will not be able to invite him/her to join your team for the challenge.

THIS IS A WORKING PIECE - HARRISON. Please go to (v2) Quaker Houghton for the most updated one.

When does all the fun ends?
Subscription expires on...
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All Quaker Houghton staff who have registered with the QH2021 group code will have access to the premium version of the MindFi application until 10 April 2022. That’s 6 months of easy access to mindfulness!
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Dang! I missed the registration period
Can I join halfway through the challenge?
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YES, YOU CAN! Simply follow the registration steps above to create an account to start mastering your mind. Please note that the end date is the same as the rest of your company (10 April 2022) and there will not be an extension for the challenge.
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Mindfulness Fun Facts

Benefits of mindfulness
What are they?
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• Enhance self awareness • Improve attention span • Generate kindness • Improve sleep • Reduce Stress
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What has mindfulness to do with happiness?
Fun Fact!!
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Harvard researcher Matt Killingsworth created an app in attempts to answer the question “what makes us happy?” once and for all, and the results have been an eye-opener. According to Mr. Killingworth’s data, we’re happiest when we are mindful of the moment, and we’re least happy when the mind is wandering. More details can be found in the article "Dear TED: "How can I be happier at work" . Another very insightful article "Using Mindfulness to Create Real Happiness at Work" from an esteemed mindfulness researcher Sharon Salzberg can also let you know more about it.
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There's science behind mindfulness
Is there such a thing???
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YES, THERE IS! There has been almost 30 years of global research in mindfulness that was initiated around a secular, research-based mindfulness program, which was first developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the 1970s by Professor Jon Kabat Zinn. At Harvard, researchers have found significant increases in the density of brain matter attributed to mindfulness. More research has also been done at top universities such as Oxford and Stanford. At MindFi, we are also committed to supporting research efforts in partnership with Singapore General Hospital and Duke-NUS Medical School.
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Practicing Mindfulness
But how do I practice mindfulness?
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There are 2 main methods to practise mindfulness - with closed eyes (formal) or with opened eyes (informal). If you think you will fall asleep once your eyes are closed, try the informal method. In the app, there are formal methods that are usually longer at 10 minutes each while informal methods are 3 to 5 minutes (as long as your favorite song). There are over 1000 minutes of audio-guided mindfulness tracks in the apps with categories based on different moods, activities such as walking, eating or even sky-watching! In other words - be creative and find your own style!
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For how long?
How long should I practice mindfulness?
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The short answer is that consistency (of practice) is more important than duration (per practice).
Various studies recommend 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily to enhance brain functions and overall physical and mental health. However, you have to consistently monitor yourself to decide what is best for you. A short 3 minute session may make you more focused than a 15 minute one or vice versa, there is no one correct duration for everybody. The key here is that any amount of meditation is better than none. Remember to do it every day, even if only for 5 minutes. (Source - "How long should I meditate?" by Mindworks)
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