
This page will get shorter as CueCam (and macOS Sonoma) settles in, but for now, here’s what to do when things go wrong.
Glitchy audio via virtual mic
5th Jan 2024 - CueCam 1.0.6
For best results you should have a 48,000 Hz signal chain throughout your system.
CueCam has a known issue if you are monitoring with a 44,100 Hz output.
This will be resolved in future,
Choppy video from Shoot
5th Jan 2024, CueCam 1.0.6
Older iPhones (pre-iPhone 13) may have trouble sending video to CueCam.
This is due to hardware encoding limitations, but may be fixed in a future release.
Virtual Mic is only on one stereo channel
Disconnect your mic input and reselect it.
Pop up sheet means you can’t click on anything or interact with the app
Hold Ctrl + Alt/Option
Click the CueCam icon in your dock
Click Force Quit.
Can’t delete a card by selecting it and pressing the Delete key
Click into the text area of a card then press escape.
Deleting selected cards will now work.
Apps that seem to interfere with CueCam for some reason
Sometimes QuickTime Player or Quick Look won’t work on a video file in Finder
If a Time Machine backup is running, this seems to interfere with CueCam sometimes
Demo Mode shows the wrong CueCam window
As a workaround for some technical difficulties, Demo Mode shows the tallest window.
This means that if you make other windows shorter then you can get the right window to be displayed.
There are no rows in this table

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.