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Foliage, brotherhoods


Members of an are divided in smaller groups in their biomes. These groups are called foliage, and they similar to villages as we know them.
The main purpose of it is for every bulb to be taken care of after an individual’s death; to a larger point of view, foliage exists for the whole species prosperity and expend. This idea of collaboration to better cope with the has led to a notion of communities that share ways of life and even developed their own specific rites and, sometimes, mythology.
Here are exemples of divergences of thinking between foliages:
some cultures allow to grow anywhere, while some prefer to organize it in particular areas.
some cultures believe that the individuals are conscient during their and actively try to teach them things before they’ve reached their viable state.


More temporary communities exist as well: brotherhoods are similar to companionships, trainings or even sects.
When an individual needs to learn how to be as useful as possible for its community, it has to spend time away from their original foliage.
The same thing applies to people having the desire of receiving a spiritual training.
Here are exemples of brotherhoods:
Nurses – taking care of growing bulbs
Herbalists – taking care of sickening bulbs
Explorers – exploring other countries to find new species or soon-to-grow bulbs
Testers – testing inanimate objects to see if they’re safe to use ()
Defenders – defending foliages and all the bulbs in it against potential predators
Builders – very rare; have the intuition and capacity to modify growing bulbs

modify natural product by changing there environnement when in the bulb phase
modifications along multiple re-growth
loop killing bulbs to accelerate the process
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