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Intermittent Fasting Guide

My personal journey with intermittent fasting and the resources I've gathered along the way to help you with your own intermittent fasting journey.

Doc Introduction

If you are reading these words, you are probably one of the many people who have heard of Intermittent Fasting but have a lot of questions such as:

- What the heck is Intermittent Fasting? Is it the same as a Keto diet?
- What are the benefits? How does it work?
- Is there any real science behind it? How should I determine what/who to believe?
- How do I start? How often do I need to do it?
I can't promise you that you will find completely satisfactory answers to all of the above, but I can guarantee that I have saved you a lot of time by organizing many of the clearest and most credible resources out there (as of mid-2019) into this Coda doc. In many ways this doc is a simple response to many people asking me if I could share my experience and research with them.
I have had the pleasure of running into friends who have told me that intermittent fasting has totally changed their life and the most encouraging part is they tell me it has been easy for them to maintain ー unlike the typical yo-yo experience of many diet regimens that are not sustainable.
So enjoy the doc and please keep in mind I am neither a physician, nor a nutritionist, nor even a Bachelor of Science holder, so I offer this in all humility as a guy just trying to figure out how to drink as much beer as possible without the beer belly. ;)

📋 A quick tour

This doc contains four different ways that I've used Coda to study cardiovascular drugs. You can use these examples or build your own variations.
My story of Intermittent Fasting.
How I decide what content to trust ( across the board are being continuously refined).
A smorgasbord of research about a wide assortment of health indicators that intermittent fasting helps.
For those who enjoy watching more than reading...
Nerding out on a cornerstone of my intermittent fasting, not for everyone, though.
A top doctor in the Bay Area shared these tips with me for doing some longer fasting.
Simple way to track your eating window and fasting period as well as focus, energy and sleep quality.
There are no rows in this table

⚒ About the Maker

Dion is a lifehacker who is rabid about intermittent fasting, smoothies, anti-fragile mindset and using Coda to do everything.

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