ActiveWestminster works with Neighbourhoods through activating Physical Activity, Leisure & Sport across the City of Westminster
An activity based on the OpenActive Activity List that is a standardised list of physical activities widely practiced in the UK
Activity Providers
Organisations that are responsible for providing activities to meet personal needs
Added Value
Strategies & Tooling that is deemed to take little effort to implement and still add some value. Should include these
Advantage of OA
Are people who should be keen to understand the advantages of Open Active
Anchor points
High level points within the LGA taxonomies where other taxonomies can be anchored
Data ecosystem role for people or organisations that benefit from the data ecosystem because it enables them to make decisions
List of software capabilities of leading Social Prescribing systems
The physical capability of the individual CCGs
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Behaviour Model useds by Open Active and London sport to measure likelihood of participation
To measure how complete the data standard is to the recommended fields required. Part of the approach and the @Social-Prescribing-Ready Profile
Considered Wins
Strategies & Tooling that is deemed to take some effort to implement however will add lots of value. Should have a business case
Data ecosystem role for the people who contribute to the dataset, either knowingly or unknowingly through use of a service.
Data ecosystem role for things that use the data to create other things. These could be products, services, analyses, insights, stories or visualisations.
Data stewards
Data ecosystem role who is responsible for collecting, managing or ensuring access to a dataset
Department for Digital Culture Media & Sport
Distributed denial-of-service attack
Digital Maturity
Assessing the digital maturity of social prescribing applications at either Level 3, Level 4, Level 5
Explore OA
Are people who are currently not well positioned to help Open Active adoption, yet want to keep informed of its wider adoption
Frontline workers
People who work with within a context and provide activities to meet personal need
Integrated care partnership forming part of the @Integrated Care Systems
Integrated care systems (ICSs) are new partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, to coordinate services and to plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups.
Integrated Care Systems
Integrated care systems (ICSs) are new partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, to coordinate services and to plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups.
Data ecosystem role for people or services that add value to a dataset. They are groups that may aggregate data in the ecosystem
People who are responsible for strategic decisions on public health, budget setting and commissioning
MCRactive are a not for profit organisation established and overseen by Manchester City Council, responsible for driving sport and physical activity across Manchester
Factors that determine the likelihood of the individual taking action. No Value
Strategies & Tooling that is deemed to take some effort to implement however add little value
OpenActive an open data standard for physical activities
OA Application Providers
Companies/bodies that are responsible for developing ‘tooling’ to support the ecosystem roles OAAcP
@OpenActive application providers
Method to assess Personal well-being using four measures
Open Referral UK
Open Referral UK, an open data standard for describing and assuring local services.
OpenActive an open data standard for physical activities
Easy to access activities that provide opportunities to take action OR
The international data standard for ORUK
Open Referral UK, an open data standard for describing and assuring local services.
The process require to refer to and accept into provision
Patient Activation Measures
Primary Care Networks
Data ecosystem role for those who create policies, principles and measures.
Promote OA
Are people who will help to identify barriers in adopting Open Active in the context of
Quick Wins
Strategies & Tooling that is deemed to take little effort to implement and add lots of value. Should prioritise these
Data ecosystem role for those who create and enforce regulatory frameworks.
Representational state transfer (REST) is a which uses a subset of .[1] It is commonly used to create applications that use . RPDE
Realtime Paged Data Exchange - See: Self Efficacy
Refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors
Service Users
People who are responsible for deciding which activities to participate in
Showcasing OA
Are people who will demonstrate the advantages of using Open active in the context of
Social Prescribing
1. With one or more long-term conditions
2. Who need support with their mental health
3. Who are lonely or isolated
4. Who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Under Review: Where a session is determined suitable for social prescribing. Considerations may include, allocated times, suitable environment, accessibility
SP Application Providers
Companies/bodies that provide dedicated software for SP Ready
Social Prescribing Ready - The proposed for @Social-Prescribing-Ready Profile
@Social prescribing application provider
Social Prescribing Link worker
To validate the data standard. Part of the tooling and @Social-Prescribing-Ready Profile
Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector