Case Management
System manages clients with a case. Case holds information about the client
Has the ability to add an event into a date range
Advanced Booking
Has the ability to query event schedule, retrieve available slots, confirm
Has the ability to take a series of actions and controlled gates within a process
Advanced Workflow
Has the ability to dynamic decisions based on qualifying rules/boolean, followed by series of actions and steps within a process
Notifications - Email / Text
A way to send notifications based on system decisions such as, Form submissions, updates, workflow steps, booking and payments
Ability for users to input data into the system
Consume API
Ability for system to ‘Pull” API data
Export API
Ability for system to “Push” API Data
Has the ability to connect to a third party payment provider and can integrate with decision based process, such as workflow.
Dynamic forms that show different options based on user input
Identity Management
System has a method to identify client unique ID
Controlled lists
A way to categorises content items such as Taxonomies, outcomes or status
Checks the data meets the required standards. Can give a indication on accuracy
Collects data and processes into combined view. Can be used convert to other data types
Platform has a Directory of Service