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Step 2: Find your technology

How to find your technology in the CRANE tool database.
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To start your assessment you will have to you would like to model from the CRANE tool database. You can also choose to continue working on an existing CRANE tool impact assessment by file you have downloaded in the previous assessment or opening an existing assessment in .
On this page, you will find:

Don’t forget to save!

Your progress in the tool does not save automatically. If you are not finished inputting data for your tool, click through to the end and save the solution to your solutions. You can then go back and open the model in “My Solutions” and edit the inputs later.

Select a technology

Select a technology that most closely matches your solution. To search for a technology, enter key terms into the search bar such as:
For example, if you are developing an alternative meat to replace beef, you can type “beef” or “meat” and a drop down list of technologies will appear. If you cannot find your technology, try using synonyms or looking for alternative technologies in a similar field.
We currently have over 200 technologies in our database. At the moment we are not actively creating new models for users, but we will in the future. You can also find a If you need support finding a technology you can contact us at . You can also find these links directly in the tool as shown in the two screenshots below.
If you cannot find your technology, you can also choose to build your own technology model by selecting a technology that is most similar to the technology that you are using. Depending on the technology, we recommend to choose an existing model that we have based off of the incumbent market that you would like to replace (choose a technology solution that displaces the same incumbent market that you want to displace so you can use that data) or based off the solution unit emissions (choose a technology solution with similar solution unit emissions so that you can use their emissions data).
You can also choose to create two separate models to extract the data for the incumbent market and the solution unit emissions and compile them in a new model. This means you can download the data as an excel from the second model and import it (along with the references) into your first model. This means you can integrate the incumbent market and solutions unit emissions data of two separate models in one model. You can then modify the names of the data and references accordingly.

Upload a file

If you would like to work on an existing CRANE tool assessment, you will need a .json file that you can upload on this page. This is useful if you are updating the data for your models or collaborating on one model with multiple people. This way other people will be able to view and edit your data.
Tip: try to name your files distinctively as you modify your model to keep track of which version has what modifications.

Open an existing solution

If you have previously worked on a CRANE tool assessment and saved it to the account you are currently logged in to, you can also find your assessment under “My Solutions”.
At this moment it is not possible to share assessments through the tool, therefore you are required to download the .json file of your model and share it manually with your collaborators.


Are you adding new technologies to the database?
We will be adding new technologies to the database in the future. We hope to make the CRANE tool as accessible as possible and cover a wider range of technologies. If you cannot find your technology, please contact us to see how we can help (
Can multiple people work on one CRANE tool assessment?
Yes, however this can only be done by downloading the .json file and sharing this manually with others. It is currently not possible to give multiple accounts access to the same model. Therefore you can only work on a model one person at a time.
Is it possible to create a new technology from scratch?
While you cannot create a new technology assessment from a blank template, you can tailor every part of an existing model to make it your own.
What if I can’t find my technology?
You can have a look through a complete list of technologies
. If you still can’t find it you can choose to create a model based on the technology most similar to your technology and adapt the data to your technology. If you cannot find your technology, please contact us to see how we can help (
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