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Step 3: Set your solution units

Choosing the time period, selecting the sales unit & incumbent market.
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You then enter the period over which you would like to calculate the impact (start and end year), the measurable units in which the solution are sold (sales units) and the (high GHG) market that the solution will displace. If you do not want to adjust the data that the CRANE tool has on the back-end, it is possible to skip directly to default results.
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Learn more about from Project Frame.

Don’t forget to save!

Your progress in the tool does not save automatically. If you are not finished inputting data for your tool, click through to the end and save the solution to your solutions. You can then go back and open the model in “My Solutions” and edit the inputs later.

Enter solution name & description

In this section, it is possible to choose to rename the solution and adjust the description of the solution so that it more accurately conveys the technology solution of interest. The solution name will also appear in the My Solutions page, so that it can be found later. The name and description will be included in the report.

Set the analysis time frame

Choose the period over which impact should be calculated. The larger and further into the future the period, the higher the uncertainty. Investors can choose to conduct the impact assessment over the investment period (e.g., 5-10 years). In cases where directional, order-of-magnitude results are sufficient, or where post-investment impacts are relevant, it may be preferable to run a scenario over a longer time horizon (e.g. 10+ years).
Please note that data availability for new technologies is often limited and may significantly affect results. We suggest increasing the uncertainty parameter for longer time horizons.

Select the sales unit

The sales unit refers to the unit that investors and companies use when reporting the market size and per unit emissions avoided. This is often the clearly measurable unit in which the product/solution is sold. There is an option to choose other units in different scales and systems, which will automatically be converted throughout the assessment.
For example:
Building insulation would be measured in billion m2 (i.e., square meters), but it is possible to choose other measurement units for area, such as square feet, etc.
Cultured meat would be measured in Mt (megatons, i.e., million metric tons), but it is possible to choose kg, lbs. etc.
By default, energy storage for buildings is measured in PJ, but other units of energy are available, such as kJ, kWh, MWh. etc.
We recommend that you keep the sales unit the same unless you have performed your own research and would like to tailor the results to accommodate different units. When you change the units, the results will be automatically converted to accommodate the desired units.
In the following example we have chosen “In vitro and lab cultured meat: Beef”.

Select the incumbent market

is a comparable technology, product, service, device or process (i.e., the status quo) that a proposed climate solution aims to displace in the market. Please choose the market that the technology is meant to displace. For example:
For a plant-based protein, one would select which specific existing meat or combination of meats will be displaced: beef & veal consumption or all meat production.
For producing petrochemicals from biomass, one might choose to displace chemicals & petrochemical feedstocks or the industry’s total energy consumption.
We recommend that the CRANE tool defaults are kept unless the technology explicitly displaces a different market or in cases where you are planning to modifying the data.
In the following example we have chosen “In vitro and lab cultured meat: Beef”.

Skip to the CRANE tool default results

The CRANE team has conducted research to collect data on the markets provided. It is possible to skip to the default results and we will use our pre-selected model to provide the potential impact assessment.
This is recommended in cases where you are looking to get an idea of how big the impact of a market could be without further modifying the default emissions data of the specific technology.
In the next step, you can go through the data and modify it. We recommend that the CRANE tool defaults be kept unless the technology in question explicitly displaces a different market or in cases where you plan to modify the data.


If I skip to defaults to see the results, can I still go back and edit the inputs later?
Yes you can. If you want to have an idea of what the approximate impact is before modifying the data you can skip to details and always go back later.
What if I can’t find the incumbent market that I want?
In the next step () you will be able to view and edit the incumbent emissions data, as well as change the name of the market. We recommend that you choose the incumbent market that matches the market you are trying to displace as closely as possible. You can then modify the data to your needs. See for more guidance on how to do this.
What should I set as the time frame of my analysis? What should my start and end year be?
To learn more about setting the start and end year view our guidance
When should I skip directly to default results?
People often use the CRANE tool to collect impact data on different technologies and their corresponding markets. In this case, there’s no need to manually go through all the steps. That way it is possible to quickly see the potential impact of a single market.
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