, before the printing press Sargun Saroops of Guru Granth Sahib were far rarer and harder to access. It would not be common for Saroops to be taken to people’s homes just like they are today — even though, it is mostly Pothi Sahibs that are used.
What we are going to include as part of our Paath services is a Palko with Shastar Prakash instead. Just as it was for Shaheed Asthaans, this will serve as the point to prostrate to for Sangat who attend.
What we require then is access to Shastar and a small transportable Palki to produce these. For those of you who collect Shastar, this is an opportunity for you to rent them out (in line with our
You will have to attend the House Paath then (if you are Khalsa, then you can get paid for your time if family is seeking additional Singhs/Kaurs), or lend it to someone else on your behalf to take it with them. This will need to be arranged in advance.
If this is something that sounds like you would be able to do, then please get in touch by signing up via the form below: