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Pollination Mentoring Program

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Pollination Mentoring Programme

Director: Denise Muniz
Program Manager: Anja Woracek


Help applicants find the right role in the IT/Technology market
Help applicants create a plan to study or find a new job in the target career
Follow up on the learn applicant's plan, suggest improvements, keep the plan on track, or pivot

Target Audience

Immigrant Women+ living in Sweden, transitioning to a new career in IT, or looking for a position in a technology company.


4 months - minimum 8 meetings / 1 hour per meeting;
Suggestion: Monthly sessions, can be adjusted according to mentor and mentee schedules and needs.
After 4 months, the program can be renewed if both mentor and mentee agree on that, with personal administration.
If the mentor or mentee does not see the engagement as productive, or that they can achieve the goals set in the first meeting, either of them can ask for a change or to cancel the engagement.

Suggested Roadmap

Session 1:
interview: background check, try and make questions about skills, hobbies, values, wishes, etc. This can be used to map profiles to roles and industries.
set expectations about the timeline, number of sessions, goals, what is possible to achieve with the mentorship program
Session 2:
explain career paths in IT, focus on the target industry, and map profile
try not to say what should do, but rather explain why, in your opinion, that path seems more suitable for her.
After every session
Evaluate motivation and rapport
Are you on the right path?
Does the mentee believe you are on the right path?
Is there something that can be improved in the mentor-mentee relationship?
Do you, as a mentor, need any help from Beela Staff?
Beela Staff
Send feedback survey after 6 weeks of the start;
Send feedback survey after each workshop;
Open agenda for 1:1 feedback meeting for Mentors and Mentees after 8 weeks;
Send feedback survey after the close meeting;



Monthly Schedule - Spring 22


06 Open mentee application
31 Review applications/ interview round


Annoucement of selected meentes
18 Match announcement & instructions
25 Kickoff


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Inspirational talk


12 Mindset/ Stand out - Ellie King


10 Close meeting


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