Land Renewal

Purpose: Clarify Land Stewardship best practices and goals, and how we are joining together as a community to partake in this sacred act of being in relationship with the land we inhabit. To re-activate the geomancy pod in support of deepening our spiritual connection to ourselves and the land.
Renewal Focus: Focus on tending to the facilities and completing unfinished projects. Move through and complete a series of design charrettes to build coherence around both seasonal and future developments from how we are caring for the property to what we are building here at Atlan. Activate the geomancy pod with the intention of creating ceremonies and rituals on the land, throughout the year, that can become a foundational part of our community culture.
Current Strength: Extensive knowledge, skills, & best practices on permaculture & earthworks
Key Challenges: All the beautiful infrastructure has lacked a sense of coherence around the projects being built that has left unresolved tensions, which have greatly impacted the land and the capacity for effective and compassionate work together.
Current Weakness: Coherence around the topic of Land Stewardship, lacking enough human capital to support tending the land and facilities.
Land Renewal Development Track:
Reactivate the geomancy PoD & begin clearing rituals our beloved land
Continue to conduct seasonal clean up & maintenance of facilities
Build Coherence & Create systems to support ongoing seasonal land management responsibilities & build projects
Complete unfinished projects
Continue community outreach for land stewardship support

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